EMPMYMIP seems to mostly kind of work for me. It might even do the same for you!
The implementation is kind of a huge hack, though, and it might very well
--- | |
- pokemon: [Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup] | |
level: 5 | |
type: gift | |
version: [diamond, pearl, platinum] | |
is_starter: true | |
- pokemon: Eevee | |
level: 5 | |
type: gift |
# Encoding: UTF-8 | |
from kivy.app import App | |
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget | |
from kivy.uix.label import Label | |
from kivy.clock import Clock | |
from kivy.animation import Animation | |
class CountWidget(Widget): |
Seznam karet vymyšlený na Čundru | |
Bang!=Útok | |
Mancato=Vedle | |
Birra=Potion | |
Saloon=Pokécentrum | |
WellsFargo=Obchoďák |
from pyramid.decorator import reify | |
from pyramid.renderers import render | |
from pyramid.response import Response | |
class Resource(object): | |
"""A Pyramid resource | |
Resources are lightweight objects tied to a request. They provide URL | |
traversal and view rendering. | |
""" |
(lambda n,s,I:n.classobj('h',(),dict(__init__=(lambda M,S,P,C:M.__dict__.update( | |
dict(R=(S,P),H=C,O=s.socket()))),C=(lambda M:(M.O.connect(M.R),setattr(M,'D',M.O | |
.makefile()),setattr(M,'S',(lambda l: M.O.send('%s\r\n'%l))),M.S("NICK hue"),M.S | |
("USER a b c d :LOL!"),setattr(M,'R',lambda n,m: M.S('PRIVMSG %s :%s'%(n,m))),M. | |
P())),G = (lambda M,S:S.split(' :',1)[1] if' :'in S else ''),P=(lambda M:next(I. | |
dropwhile((lambda Lu:((lambda L:((lambda: M.S("PONG :%s"%M.G(L))if L.startswith( | |
'PING')else(lambda P,G,S:({'001':(lambda: M.S('JOIN %s'%M.H)),'PRIVMSG':(lambda: | |
M.HC(L[1:].split('!',1),P[2],G[1:].split(),G)if G.startswith('!')else None)}.get | |
(P[1],lambda: None)())if len(P)>1 else None)(L.split(),M.G(L),M.O))()))(Lu.strip | |
()),True)[1]),iter(M.D)),None)),HC=(lambda M,(N,H),C,P,L: {'hello':lambda:M.R(C, |
#! /usr/bin/env python | |
# Encoding: UTF-8 | |
from __future__ import unicode_literals | |
# The Amazing veekun redmine-to-github bug importer! | |
# (i.e. a giant ugly hack) | |
# configurable parts are marked KNOB |
-- Script by KazoWAR | |
--[[ | |
it imports a team for you and the opponent | |
the pkm files should be in same directory as the script. | |
1.pkm - 6.pkm for your team, e1.pkm - e6.pkm for opponent. | |
save as 220 byte party encrypted pokemon. | |
run the script during the start of a battle animation scene (like mug shot, plazma symbol, pretty much as the music is playing for the battle in the overworld) before a battle. | |
--]] |
> tcup server github add | |
When I'm managing a GH project, I really want to sync everybody's repo. | |
See what people are building on top, even if they're not done or shy to create | |
an official PR. | |
When contributing, I want to know how my changes will conflict with a major | |
refactor one of the dozen core devs has waiting in their branch. (Only | |
discussed on IRC, too.) | |
See https://github.com/defunkt/github-gem for ideas |
$ pokedex pkm | |
Convert binary Pokémon data (aka PKM files) to/from JSON/YAML. | |
usage: pokedex pkm (encode|decode) [options] <file> ... | |
Commands: | |
encode Convert a JSON or YAML representation of a | |
Pokémon to the binary format. | |
decode Convert the binary format to a JSON/YAML | |
representation. |