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Created October 16, 2012 02:29
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Export Google Maps starred locations
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Go to Google Bookmarks:
On the bottom left, click "Export bookmarks":
After downloading the html file, run this script on it to generate a KML.
from lxml.html import document_fromstring
import simplekml
from urllib2 import urlopen
import re
import time
filename = r'GoogleBookmarks.html'
with open(filename) as bookmarks_file:
data =
kml = simplekml.Kml()
# Hacky and doesn't work for all of the stars:
lat_re = re.compile('markers:[^\]]*latlng[^}]*lat:([^,]*)')
lon_re = re.compile('markers:[^\]]*latlng[^}]*lng:([^}]*)')
coords_in_url = re.compile('\?q=(-?\d{,3}\.\d*),\s*(-?\d{,3}\.\d*)')
doc = document_fromstring(data)
for element, attribute, url, pos in doc.body.iterlinks():
if '' in url:
description = element.text or ''
print description.encode('UTF8')
print u"URL: {0}".format(url)
# Coordinates are in URL itself
latitude =[0]
longitude =[1]
# Load map and find coordinates in source of page
sock = urlopen(url.replace(' ','+').encode('UTF8'))
except Exception, e:
print 'Connection problem:'
print repr(e)
print 'Waiting 2 minutes and trying again'
sock = urlopen(url.replace(' ','+').encode('UTF8'))
content =
time.sleep(3) # Don't annoy server
latitude = lat_re.findall(content)[0]
longitude = lon_re.findall(content)[0]
except IndexError:
print '[Coordinates not found]'
print latitude, longitude
coords=[(float(longitude), float(latitude))])
except ValueError:
print '[Invalid coordinates]'
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You have explicit permission! :)

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How do you run the html file in KML? I did get all the names of my bookmarks (thank you for that)

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iturki commented Dec 28, 2015

Or, you can use this online tool to do the html > KML conversion:

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jbg commented Apr 5, 2016

I made a Python 3, GeoJSON-exporting version based on this script here:

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ngzhian commented Jun 28, 2016

I updated the regex for lat, lng based on the most recent google response, here's the gist:

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3v1n0 commented Jan 11, 2017

Thanks, I guess you want to merge changes from @ngzhian in order to get this working properly with new APIs

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rrrnld commented Jan 29, 2017

Hey! Just a quick heads up: I packaged it up a bit with a proper requirements.txt and put it up on I hope that's fine. If it's ok i'd also like to build a simple web interface around it, but because of the missing license file I didn't want to do it without permission. Any objections?

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dmsza commented Feb 24, 2017

I've made another script that converts Google Maps JSON to KML. It is more complete and it works flawless! Check here:

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LaDeeDaDee commented Mar 3, 2017

@dmrsouza flawless if you know can run simplekml via a pip...

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

How do I install simplekml via pip? I have downloaded simplekml 1.3.0 but I'm not sure if it is installed?

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dmsza commented Mar 4, 2017

@LaDeeDaDee At least on Windows pip command is installed with Python. Anyway there are instructions about how to install pip at

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I am a beginner with python, but managed to get through the installation, pip.. now I'm stuck here:

Opening file "Saved Places.json"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Kierownik\Desktop\json2kml\", line 32, in
for place in data["features"]:
KeyError: 'features'

Would you, please, be able to help?


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dmsza commented Mar 19, 2017

@rlewandowski1988, please check your JSON file (open it in a text editor). It should start as:

{ "type" : "FeatureCollection", "features" : [ { "geometry" : { "coordinates" :........

It seems it is missing the "features" section. If your data is not private and if you can share your JSON file, I am willing to help you.

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@dmrsouza, I previously gave up becaue I realised that google introduced new feature under saving your places - now you can save and give the location one of the categories: Favorites, Want to go, Starred places or New list (you create one). Knowing that I just thought that they probably changed the data structure and that's why stopped working... but it turned out that insted of downloading Maps (your places) I downloaded the Location history ;) Nevertheless your comment helped! thanks very much for help! all the very best! ;)

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blaines commented Jul 26, 2017

Google says "No Data Found" for all of my accounts when exporting "Maps (your places)". Boo

Trying the bookmarks approach instead

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andriip commented Aug 4, 2017

@rlewandowski1988, Hi did you try this script with your Location History file?
Is it working?

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YvesBas commented Nov 1, 2017

Thanks for this very useful script! However I would need to get also the custom labels I added to my starred locations to be able to use this data on another GIS. Do you think it would be possible to get the labels??

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eszjay commented Dec 4, 2017

Google has now provided their own tool to export your Map data in JSON format at Google Takeout

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@heyarne I tried using your script as it's exactly what I need in my situation ( don't have access to old account but downloaded the HTML file), but I got this error 'No module named simplekml '
I tried installing simplekml with pip install simplekmp, but got the following error-

Any help would be appreciated, I'm a super noob here...but could really use all my 1000s of bookmarks in the new account...

Collecting simplekml
Using cached
Installing collected packages: simplekml
Running install for simplekml ... error
Complete output from command /usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;file='/private/var/folders/jk/6y47vn0d2gdcd9v84g51zz8h0000gn/T/pip-build-Vgk14q/simplekml/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(file);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, file, 'exec'))" install --record /var/folders/jk/6y47vn0d2gdcd9v84g51zz8h0000gn/T/pip-ZB2nDK-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile:
running install
running build
running build_py
copying simplekml/ -> build/lib/simplekml
copying simplekml/ -> build/lib/simplekml
running install_lib
creating /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/simplekml
error: could not create '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/simplekml': Permission denied

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walidvb commented Apr 13, 2018

@bhatiagagan, try to install with sudo

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lsmolic commented Aug 15, 2018

If you are using Google Takeout, you can change the file path and export

# FROM THIS Google Takeout format:
# {
#   "type" : "FeatureCollection",
#   "features" : [ {
#     "geometry" : {
#       "coordinates" : [ -118.2474094, 34.0527440 ],
#       "type" : "Point"
#     },
#     "properties" : {
#       "Google Maps URL" : "",
#       "Location" : {
#         "Address" : "316 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, United States",
#         "Business Name" : "The Redwood Bar & Grill",
#         "Country Code" : "US",
#         "Geo Coordinates" : {
#           "Latitude" : "34.0527440",
#           "Longitude" : "-118.2474094"
#         }
#       },
#       "Published" : "2018-07-21T02:16:43Z",
#       "Title" : "The Redwood Bar & Grill",
#       "Updated" : "2018-07-21T02:16:43Z"
#     },
#     "type" : "Feature"
#   }]
# }
import csv
import json

# uploading a CSV will let you choose the title column as well. This also pulls out the address correctly.
final_csv_file = './file_to_import_to_google.csv'

google_json_file_path = './Saved Places.json'
with open(google_json_file_path, encoding='utf-8-sig') as google_json_file:
  google_map_json = json.load(google_json_file)

  fieldnames = ['title', 'address', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'link']
  with open(final_csv_file,'w', newline='\n') as csv_file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    for f in google_map_json['features']:
      props = f['properties']

      business_name = props.get('Location', {}).get('Business Name', '')
      # default to business name is title doesn't exist
      title = props.get('Title', business_name) 
      link = props.get('Google Maps URL', '')
      address = props.get('Location', {}).get('Address', '')
      country_code = props.get('Location', {}).get('Country Code', '')

        latitude = props.get('Location', {}).get('Geo Coordinates').get('Latitude')
        longitude = props.get('Location', {}).get('Geo Coordinates').get('Longitude')
        # sometimes lat/long are not encapsulated by 'Geo Coordinates' key
        latitude = props.get('Location', {}).get('Latitude', '')
        longitude = props.get('Location', {}).get('Longitude', '')

      # specify which country to pull from
          'title': props.get('Title', ''), 
          'address': props.get('Location', {}).get('Address', ''),
          'latitude': props.get('Location', {}).get('Geo Coordinates', {}).get('Latitude', ''),
          'longitude': props.get('Location', {}).get('Geo Coordinates', {}).get('Longitude', ''),
          'link': props.get('Google Maps URL', ''),

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Ademord commented Nov 12, 2018

As of today google doesnt let me connect to google maps from the script. I am getting

Connection problem:

I will try the Google Takeout method listed here

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what version of python is this for? getting this

 File "", line 34
    print description.encode('UTF8')

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gerarnan commented Dec 6, 2018

@spyhunter99 i am getting the same as you!!

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endolith commented Jan 2, 2019

@spyhunter It's for an old Python version. Does Google Takeout not work for you?

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I want to transfer all my starred location from one Google account to another. Is there a way to batch-import them to the new account without opening each location and starring it individually?

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fantastic! i'm learning python and it's really fascinating how it can help solve problems) Hope I can write such helpful codes soon :) Good luck!

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thany commented Mar 24, 2022

The idea here is great, but unfortunately Google have been stirring around in their products, and the only way since a little while to export saved places, is via Takeout - select "Saved".

This will produce a file containing all saved places, sure enough, but:

  1. They are in CSV format, not JSON or HTML.
  2. They do not contain lat/lon, but instead a link that presumably be used against the Places API (example)

So this script will have probably lost its usefulness some years ago 😞

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endolith commented Mar 24, 2022

@thany From Google Takeout, Saved Places.json and Labeled places.json both contain lat/lon and can be converted using

I've been using that technique lately, so yeah this script is probably obsolete, it's from 2012.

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jordymeow commented Dec 8, 2022

Unfortunately, impossible to get the GPS coordinates for anything else than the locations with stars. Personally, I used; this tool takes the CSV and JSON from Google Takeout and create new files. You get the Place ID, GPS coordinates, and a few more columns, but that's what I needed the most. Not sure why Google doesn't give better files...


Unfortunately, impossible to get the GPS coordinates for anything else than the locations with stars. Personally, I used; this tool takes the CSV and JSON from Google Takeout and create new files. You get the Place ID, GPS coordinates, and a few more columns, but that's what I needed the most. Not sure why Google doesn't give better files...

is the code behind open source? what about privacy concerns..?

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