""" |
Multitone test signal generation. |
Created on Fri Sep 28 12:11:26 2012 |
Reproduction of signals from |
http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/papers/pdf/multitone_low_crest.pdf |
These have exactly flat frequency spectra at the FFT frequency bin centers. |
""" |
from numpy import (pi, zeros, empty, arange, sqrt, exp, log10, amax, |
linspace, mean, absolute) |
from numpy.random import random |
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq, irfft |
# Originally from matplotlib.mlab: |
def rms_flat(a): |
""" |
Return the root mean square of all the elements of *a*, flattened out. |
""" |
return sqrt(mean(absolute(a)**2)) |
def rudinshapiro(N): |
""" |
Return first N terms of Rudin-Shapiro sequence. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudin-Shapiro_sequence |
Confirmed correct output to N = 10000: |
https://oeis.org/A020985/b020985.txt |
""" |
def hamming(x): |
""" |
Hamming weight of a binary sequence. |
http://stackoverflow.com/a/407758/125507 |
""" |
return bin(x).count('1') |
out = empty(N, dtype=int) |
for n in range(N): |
b = hamming(n << 1 & n) |
a = (-1)**b |
out[n] = a |
return out |
def multitone(type, fs, length, N=None, N0=1): |
""" |
Return a multitone signal of given type. |
fs = sampling rate |
length = length in samples |
N = number of tones |
N0 = starting tone |
""" |
if N is None: |
N = length//2 |
if type == 'impulse': |
""" |
Zero-phase method |
Figure 1 |
Worst crest factor possible (18 dB for N=32) |
""" |
phase = zeros(N) |
elif type == 'random': |
""" |
Random phase method |
Noise, with crest factor on order of sqrt(log(N)) (5 dB for N=32) |
""" |
phase = random(N)*2*pi |
elif 'rudin' in type: |
""" |
Rudin-Shapiro sequence method |
Figure 4 |
Noise-like, with crest factor under 6 dB when N is a power of 2. |
""" |
phase = -pi*rudinshapiro(N) |
phase[phase == -pi] = 0 |
elif 'newman' in type: |
""" |
Newman method |
Figure 6 |
Sweep-like, with crest factor about 4.6 dB at higher N |
""" |
k = arange(N) + N0 |
phase = (pi*(k-1)**2)/N |
if type in {'newmanreversed', 'newman_r'}: |
phase = phase[::-1] |
# # Explicit construction |
# t = linspace(0, 2*pi, length, endpoint=False) |
# sig = zeros_like(t) |
# for k in arange(N)+N0: |
# sig += cos(k*t + phase[k-N0]) |
# sig *= sqrt(2/N) |
# Inverse FFT construction |
f = zeros(length//2+1, dtype=complex) |
for k in arange(N)+N0: |
f[k] = exp(1j*phase[k-N0]) |
sig = irfft(f, length) * length/2 * sqrt(2/N) |
return sig |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
# sampling rate |
fs = 512 |
length = fs*1 # seconds |
# impulse, random, rudin, newman |
type = 'rudin' |
# number of tones |
N = 32 |
# Starting tone |
N0 = 1 |
sig = multitone(type, fs, length, N, N0) |
crest_factor = 20*log10(amax(abs(sig))/rms_flat(sig)) |
print('Crest factor: {0:.2f} dB'.format(crest_factor)) |
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, length, endpoint=False) |
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) |
plt.plot(t, sig) |
plt.margins(0.1, 0.1) |
# Use FFT to get the amplitude of the spectrum |
ampl = 1/fs * abs(rfft(sig)) |
# FFT frequency bins |
freqs = rfftfreq(fs, 1/fs) |
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) |
plt.plot(freqs, ampl, '.') |
plt.margins(0.1, 0.1) |
Should also try these http://dsp.stackexchange.com/q/18862/29