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helpful plots python
Helpful plots for signal processing.
Created on Fri Jan 08 20:19:58 2016
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
from scipy.signal import get_window
def waveform(sig, t=None):
Plot waveform vs time with grids and margins.
sig : array_like
Signal to plot.
t : array_like
Timebase for signal.
if t is None:
t = np.arange(len(sig))
plt.plot(t, sig)
plt.title('Signal waveform')
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.margins(0.01, 0.1)
plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='major')
plt.grid(True, color='0.9', linestyle='-', which='minor')
def spectrum(sig, t=None, fs=None, axis='log', N=None, window=9,
Plot spectrum of signal vs frequency.
sig : array_like
Signal to plot.
t : array_like
Timebase for signal.
fs : float
Sampling frequency.
axis : {'log', 'lin'}
Horizontal axis type, linear or logarithmic.
N : int
Number of FFT points to compute. Only 1/2 this many points are plotted.
window : str, float, tuple, or array_like
Window function, handled by `scipy.signal.get_window`. Defaults to
Kaiser with beta=9.
label : str
A label for the spectrum to appear in the legend.
if N is None:
N = len(sig)
if t is not None and fs is not None:
raise ValueError("Only 't' or 'fs' can be specified, not both")
elif t is None and fs is None:
fs = len(sig)
elif fs is None:
fs = 1/(t[1] - t[0])
freqs = rfftfreq(N, 1/fs)
w = get_window(window, len(sig))
# RFFT is only half of spectrum. Correct for window attenuation.
ampl = 2/w.sum() * np.absolute(rfft(w * sig, N))
plt.plot(freqs, 20*np.log10(ampl), label=label)
if axis == 'log':
if label:
plt.title('Signal spectrum')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dBFS]') # AES17 definition
plt.margins(0.01, 0.1)
plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='major')
plt.grid(True, color='0.9', linestyle='-', which='minor')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000, endpoint=False)
sig = sin(2*pi*4*t) + 0.25*(cos(2*pi*18*t)) # 0 dBFS and -12 dBFS
waveform(sig, t)
spectrum(sig, t, N=40000)
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