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Created March 15, 2015 21:28
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import urllib2
import httplib
import json
# have to export the DER certify recived from azul to base64
# openssl x509 -inform der -in MYCERT.cer -out my_cert.crt
# I ended up solving this by concatenating
# the private key you use to generate crs with your converted cert
# cat my_key.key my_cert.crt > certify.pem
CERT = "certify.pem"
URL = ""
class HTTPSClientAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
"""Class to allow a certificate to be uploaded
by the client."""
def __init__(self, cert):
self.cert = cert
def https_open(self, req):
return self.do_open(self.getConnection, req)
def getConnection(self, host, timeout=10):
return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, cert_file=self.cert, timeout=timeout)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(HTTPSClientAuthHandler(cert=CERT))
tx_bpd_request = {"TrxType": "Sale",
"CustomerServicePhone": False,
"OrderNumber": "TESTO019",
"PosInputMode": "E-Commerce",
"AcquirerRefData": "1",
"Amount": 100,
"CardNumber": "xxxxxxxxx",
"Store": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Plan": "0",
"CurrencyPosCode": "$",
"Payments": "1",
"ECommerceUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"CVC": 201,
"Channel": "EC",
"Expiration": 201701}
request = urllib2.Request(URL)
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.add_header("Auth1", "xxxx")
request.add_header("Auth2", "xxxx")
request.method = lambda: "POST"
response =
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