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Last active November 5, 2022 06:10
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plotly distribute chart
<script src=""></script>
<div id="myDiv"></div>
function markline(v, color, name, start, end) {
const result = {
type: "scatter",
x: [start, end],
y: [v, v],
mode: "lines",
line: {
//width: 2,
//dash: "dash"
return result;
const his = {
xaxis: "x",
yaxis: "y",
x: [1667417267490, 1667517267490, 1667617267490],
y: [2.0, 5.0, -3.0],
//text: 'xxx',
customdata: [
{ order: 11, lotno: "1234", batch: "batch1" },
{ order: 22, lotno: "1234", batch: "batch1" },
{ order: 33, lotno: "1234", batch: "batch1" }
line: {
width: 2,
color: "#4c9ab4"
name: "测量值",
showlegend: false,
mode: "lines+markers",
"<b>Sort number</b>:<br><b>Measurements</b>: %{y}<br><br><i>Insp.order</i>: %{customdata.order}<br><i>Lot no</i>: %{customdata.lotno}<br><i>Batch no</i>: %{customdata.batch}<br><i> %{x}</i>:"
var data = [
markline(5, "#ed7c7c", "Upper TL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(2, "#eb6969", "Upper CL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(1, "#fed66a", "Upper WL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(-2, "#8cd188", "Process Mean Value", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(-3, "#fedf8d", "Lower WL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(-4, "#ee8383", "Lower CL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490),
markline(-5, "#e95e5e", "Lower TL(CC1)", 1667417267490, 1667617267490)
var layout = {
title: "测量值趋势图",
autosize: true,
xaxis: {
type: "date",
title: "时间",
tickson: "boundaries",
showline: true,
showgrid: false,
rangeselector: {},
rangeslider: {}
yaxis: {
title: "测量值",
zeroline: false,
ticksuffix: "%%",
spikemode: "toaxis+across+marker",
showline: true,
showgrid: false
var config = { responsive: true };
Plotly.plot("myDiv", data, layout, config);
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