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Josh Crawford engram-design

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engram-design / CustomBulletList.php
Created February 12, 2025 02:52
Vizy Custom Bullet List
namespace modules\vizymodule\nodes;
use verbb\vizy\nodes\BulletList;
class CustomBulletList extends BulletList
// Properties
// =========================================================================
// Turn off all error reporting
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($folder);
$json = array();
foreach ($dir as $index => $fileinfo) {
engram-design / _layout.html
Last active February 23, 2018 05:34
SEOMatic Setup
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Responsive-ness -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- SE-Oh -->
{% include '_includes/seo_meta' %}
engram-design / data.php
Last active February 27, 2017 22:24
Property Feed
// Get all XML files in directory
$files = glob('data/*xml');
$jsons = array();
if (isset($_GET['start']) && isset($_GET['end'])) {
$start = $_GET['start'];
$end = $_GET['end'];
engram-design / SmartMapPlugin.php
Last active February 27, 2017 11:33
SmartMap Feed Me 2
namespace Craft;
class SmartMapPlugin extends BasePlugin
public function init()
engram-design / index.twig
Created October 8, 2016 09:07
Macro to prevent upscaling - something Craft doesn't support just yet...
{# Usage #}
{% set transform = { width: 700, height: 247, mode: 'crop' } %}
<img class="banner" src="{{ _self.transform(entry.bannerImage.first, transform) }}">
{# Macro to prevent upscaling - something Craft doesn't support just yet... #}
{% macro transform(image, transform) %}
{% spaceless %}
{% set originalWidth = image.getWidth(false) %}
{% set transformedWidth = image.getWidth(transform) %}
engram-design / export.php
Last active August 21, 2024 08:51
ExpressionEngine PHP Export into JSON
$channel = $_GET['id'];
$content = array();
$fields_query = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_channel_fields LEFT JOIN exp_channels ON exp_channel_fields.group_id = exp_channels.field_group WHERE exp_channels.channel_id = '$channel'");
$entries_query = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_channel_data cd INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles ct ON cd.entry_id = ct.entry_id WHERE cd.channel_id = '$channel'");
$fields = $fields_query->result_array();
engram-design / en.php
Created September 25, 2016 07:31
Workflow static translation
return array(
"Workflow" => "Workflow",
"Entry submitted for approval." => "Entry submitted for approval.",
"Could not submit for approval." => "Could not submit for approval.",
"Submission revoked." => "Submission revoked.",
"Could not revoke submission." => "Could not revoke submission.",
"Entry approved and published." => "Entry approved and published.",
engram-design / FeedMeCustomSortPlugin.php
Created July 5, 2016 12:07
Custom sorting using `postForFeedMeFieldType` with Feed Me
namespace Craft;
class FeedMeCustomSortPlugin extends BasePlugin
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================
public function getName()
engram-design / CustomUserDomainPlugin.php
Last active April 16, 2020 15:57
Custom UserController
namespace Craft;
class CustomUserDomainPlugin extends BasePlugin
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function getName()