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E enix-app

  • EnixApp
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enix-app / paginationsequence.php
Created February 2, 2023 16:01 — forked from bramus/paginationsequence.php
Pagination Sequence Generator
* Generate a sequence of numbers for use in a pagination system, the clever way.
* @author Bramus Van Damme <[email protected]>
* The algorithm always returns the same amount of items in the sequence,
* indepdendent of the position of the current page.
* Example rows generated:
enix-app / clear-cache.js
Created September 22, 2020 02:51 — forked from deanhume/clear-cache.js
Clear Service Worker Cache
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
cacheNames.forEach(function(cacheName) {
enix-app / kotoblog_parse-http-accept-language-header.php
Created September 21, 2020 06:35 — forked from spolischook/kotoblog_parse-http-accept-language-header.php
Get prefer language by parsing HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
$prefLocales = array_reduce(
function ($res, $el) {
list($l, $q) = array_merge(explode(';q=', $el), [1]);
$res[$l] = (float) $q;
return $res;
}, []);
enix-app / .router.php
Last active September 20, 2020 10:34
An alternative router.php
define('__SELF__', getcwd());
if (preg_match('/\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|js|css|html)$/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
$ext = pathinfo($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])['extension'];
$extensions = [
'js' => 'text/javascript',
'css' => 'text/css',
enix-app / gist:a8370aa562387717b81e6c92eac79cb0
Created September 14, 2020 09:20 — forked from stewartduffy/gist:481f21ea4906e611d934
Regex to remove file extension from JS string.
var filenameFull = "tm_icons.png";
//Regex to remove
var filenameText = filenameFull.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");
enix-app / index.js
Created September 12, 2020 09:32 — forked from stephanbogner/index.js
Create tree structure from paths array
var paths = [
["Account", "Payment Methods"],
["Account", "Payment Methods", "Credit Card"],
["Account", "Payment Methods", "Paypal"],
["Account", "Emails"],
["Account", "Emails", "Main Email"],
["Account", "Emails", "Backup Email"],
["Account", "Devices"],
["Account", "Devices", "Google Pixel"],
enix-app / progress_bar.php
Created September 10, 2020 05:20 — forked from mayconbordin/progress_bar.php
PHP CLI progress bar in 5 lines of code
function progress_bar($done, $total, $info="", $width=50) {
$perc = round(($done * 100) / $total);
$bar = round(($width * $perc) / 100);
return sprintf("%s%%[%s>%s]%s\r", $perc, str_repeat("=", $bar), str_repeat(" ", $width-$bar), $info);
enix-app / relativePath.js
Created September 8, 2020 11:33 — forked from eriwen/relativePath.js
Get relative file path in JavaScript
* Given a source directory and a target filename, return the relative
* file path from source to target.
* @param source {String} directory path to start from for traversal
* @param target {String} directory path and filename to seek from source
* @return Relative path (e.g. "../../style.css") as {String}
function getRelativePath(source, target) {
var sep = (source.indexOf("/") !== -1) ? "/" : "\\",
targetArr = target.split(sep),
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.js'),
plugins: [
new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(), // so that file hashes don't change unexpectedly
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
enix-app / Dexie.min.js
Created August 29, 2020 20:40 — forked from nolanlawson/Dexie.min.js
IndexedDB+Dexie+Lunr MTG full-text search demo
(function(n,t,i,r){"use strict";function h(n,t){return typeof t!="object"&&(t=t()),Object.keys(t).forEach(function(i){n[i]=t[i]}),n}function y(n){return{from:function(t){return n.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n,{extend:function(i){h(n.prototype,typeof i!="object"?i(t.prototype):i)}}}}}function p(n,t){return t(n)}function f(t){function or(){if(i)w.on("versionchange",function(t){w.close();t.newVersion&&n.location.reload(!0)})}function ki(n){this._cfg={version:n,storesSource:null,dbschema:{},tables:{},contentUpgrade:null};this.stores({})}function sr(n,t,i,r){var e,f,o,h,l,c;if(n==0)Object.keys(pt).forEach(function(n){di(t,n,pt[n].primKey,pt[n].indexes)}),e=w._createTransaction(kt,ri,pt),e.idbtrans=t,e.idbtrans.onerror=s(i,["populating database"]),e.on("error").subscribe(i),u.newPSD(function(){u.PSD.trans=e;try{w.on("populate").fire(e)}catch(n){r.onerror=t.onerror=function(n){n.preventDefault()};try{t.abort()}catch(f){}t.db.close();i(n)}});else{if(f=[],o=ii.filter(function(t){return