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Forked from yifan-gu/
Created March 2, 2017 06:05
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dex/kubernetes guide

Create CA cert/key files

In order to enable oidc authenticator in kube-apiserver, we need to have TLS enabled between kubectl and kube-apiserver, as well as between kube-apiserver and OpenID Provider(dex-worker here)

For simplicity, we will use cfssl to create the bundles.

Start dex worker

Checkout and build dex

git clone [email protected]:coreos/dex.git
cd dex

Create certs

cd examples/tls-setup
mv certs dex-certs
(edit the req-csr.json, change the 'CN' to kube-apiserver)
make (or you can run commands manually to sign the certs for the kube-apiserver using the previously generated CA file)
mv certs apiserver-certs

Start dex-worker

./bin/dex-worker \
    --tls-cert-file=examples/tls-setup/dex-certs/dex.pem \
    --tls-key-file=examples/tls-setup/dex-certs/dex-key.pem \
    --listen="" \
    --issuer="" \
    --clients=./static/fixtures/clients.json \
    --connectors=./static/fixtures/connectors.json.sample \
    --email-cfg=./static/fixtures/emailer.json.sample \
    --users=./static/fixtures/users.json.sample \

#Start k8s cluster

we will use the hack/ to launch the cluster. But we need to add following flags to the kube-apiserver:

--secure-port=8001 This will enable tls connection between kube-apiserver and kubectl
--tls-cert-file=PATH_TO_APISERVER_CERT_FILE Path to the tls cert file
--tls-private-key-file=PATH_TO_APISERVER_KEY_FILE Path to the tls key file
--oidc-issuer-url= OIDC issuer's address, MUST use 'https'
--oidc-client-id=OIDC_CLIENT_ID The client ID that is shared between kube-apiserver and example app below. kube-apiserver will use the client-id to verify the token's audience
--oidc-ca-file=PATH_TO_DEX_CA_FILE trusted CA file for verifying the certs from the OIDC provider
--oidc-username-claim="email" This specify which claim in the response ID token that we want to use as the user's name

Then we can launch the cluster:


Set cluster config in kube config:

cluster/ config set-cluster local --server= --certificate-authority=PATH_TO_CA_FILE
cluster/ config set-context local --cluster=local --user=cluster-tester
cluster/ config use-context local

Note that the --user in set-context can be differnt from [email protected]. The kube-apiserver will authenticate and get the real user name([email protected]) from the returned ID token.

#Get token Next, we need to get some token so that the api server can authenticate us as [email protected], we will use the example-app in dex to do this:

./bin/example-app \
    --trusted-ca-file=examples/tls-setup/dex-certs/ca.pem \
    --client-id="XXX" \
    --client-secret="secrete" \
    --redirect-url="" \
    --discovery="" \

Then goto and login as email: [email protected], passwd: bones. You should get an token returned.

Next save that token in kubeconfig:

cluster/ config set-credentials cluster-tester --token=$TOKEN

#Ready to go!

Congratulations! You should be able to be authenticated and launch pod now!

cluster/ create -f examples/pod
cluster/ get pods

Note: If you run into Error from server: error when creating "examples/pod": Pod "nginx" is forbidden: service account default/default was not found, retry after the service account is created, please just disable the admission control for the apiserver, which is done by removing --admission-control="${ADMISSION_CONTROL} in

#TODO: Add simple examples that uses authorization as well. Disable apiserver's normal http connection.

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