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Created February 27, 2018 07:51
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compileMethod hook
internal static uint qtlEIBBYuV(IntPtr \u0020, IntPtr a1, IntPtr \u0020, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] uint \u0020, IntPtr \u0020, ref uint \u0020)
// thisi s a pointer to the COREINFO_METHOD_INFO structure
IntPtr ptr = \u0020;
if (P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.KOnEge1tX2)
ptr = a1;
long num;
if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
num = (long)Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr, IntPtr.Size * 2); (1)
num = Marshal.ReadInt64(ptr, IntPtr.Size * 2);
// load the ILCode address
object obj = P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.k6dbsY0qhy[num];
if (obj == null)
// proceed with the standard compilation of the method
return P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.u8lbx6nt2g(\u0020, a1, \u0020, \u0020, \u0020, ref \u0020);
// allocate a pinned memory buffer in order to copy the real IL code
P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.QjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a = (P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.QjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a)obj; (2)
IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS.Length);
Marshal.Copy(qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS, 0, intPtr, qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS.Length);
if (qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.KJXb28UyS5)
// call VirtualProtect if necessary
a1 = intPtr;
a1 = (uint)qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS.Length;
P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.fptEBhe4Kh(\u0020, qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS.Length, 64, ref P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.Tufbd24KkS);
return 0u;
// write back the address of the COREINFO_METHOD_INFO.ILCode
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ptr, IntPtr.Size * 2, intPtr); (3)
// write back the real length, field COREINFO_METHOD_INFO.ILCodeSize
Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr, IntPtr.Size * 3, qjP40LkcxwMvQVmG1a.wsQbTfcGfS.Length); (4)
uint result = 0u;
if (\u0020 != 216669565u || P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.iJnbQwwaCg)
// call the real compileMethod with the real ILcode
result = P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.u8lbx6nt2g(\u0020, a1, \u0020, \u0020, \u0020, ref \u0020); (5)
P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.iJnbQwwaCg = true;
return result;
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