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Last active August 16, 2018 08:06
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00 - IoT Tech Documenation Corner

Via Web Client Use the jira rest api to

Via PostMan

Via Code

pipeline link confluence link. RTEE


source lab /


extentx = reporting

commerical IT build automation. rapid-test-execution-engine/ael-policy-auto.

Questions What version of ngnix


  • NG not executing
  • NG

Requirements Create Pipeline to Deploy new PAB Dashboard

Resources : Framework axis Manifest file IP NGINX configuration.

Analysis/KT : NEXT

[KT] Show and tell from developer, starting configuration ngnix

[KT] Show and tell from developer, build process

[KT] Show and tell from developer, deploy process (ngnix)
[KT] Show and tell from developer, deploy process (pcf-ngnix)

Risks [High] New application type, web application using angular. [HIGH] Existing app runnig on NGINX, new build pack, configuration needed.

Manual [Manual] Setup AngularJS development environment

[Manual] Build Angular project [Manual] Deploy build to PCF

Implementation [IMP] Determine Input Props to support, deploy and test. [IMP] Create stage , checkout [IMP] Create stage , dependencies [IMP] Create stage , build [IMP] Create stage , deploy [IMP] Error Handling to support build failure [IMP] Error Handling to support deployment failure

Test [Test] Endpoint is reachable [Neg] Build Fails [Neg] Deployment Fails

Documentation [DOC] howto run pipeline [DOC] sprint demo

Code Review [Review] show and tell internal [Review] show and tell devops

Unplanned Work

Table Of Contents

SRP – Single Responsibility

🔴 Interface Segragation


New installment of design principles today will demonstrate the importance of......

Claims (Why)

  • Will make it easier to....


Lets decompose the elements, and look closer at the problem....... What is a interface? What are we trying to segragate and why?

Eg : Real World


How do you implement the principle of interface segragation in Java?


Further Reading : Relates To : Source Code : YouTube :

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Bl.ocks is one of the most interesting applications built for Gists. You can write your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code in plain text, save the Gist as index.html and then use to serve the rendered version of that HTML web page as it should appear in the browser. For instance, here’s a live version of an HTML file that is hosted on

There are bandwidth constraints obviously but is still an excellent tool for hosting your HTML through Gists. The other alternative is Google Drive. my fav

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