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Forked from kemo/Cached.php
Created October 3, 2013 17:35
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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Extend this class if you want your model cached. Example usage:
* 1. Model
* class Model_User extends ORM_Cached {}
* 2. Usage
* // This will either retrieve the user with specified ID from cache
* // or get him from the database and cache him anyways
* $user = Model_User::cache($this->request->param('id'));
* // This will get the user with username "Jason" and email "[email protected]"
* // and also save him by these params (not the PK)
* $user = Model_User::cache(array('username' => 'Jason','email' => '[email protected]'));
* // Now if we update this user, related cache will also be updated
* $user->set('password' => 'test')->update();
* // And if we delete this user, related cache will also be deleted
* $user->delete();
* @package ORM
* @author Kemal Delalic <[email protected]>
class ORM_Cached extends ORM {
* @var string Default cache group, e.g. 'file' or 'memcached'
protected static $_cacher_driver = 'apc';
* @var int For how long should the cache for current model last?
protected static $_cacher_lifetime = 60;
* List of columns to be serialized when going to 'sleep'
* @var array
* @see
protected static $_serialized_columns = array(
* Cached "factory" method
* $post = Model_User::cache($request->param('id'));
* @param mixed $id primary key or array of values to be matched
* @return ORM_Cached
public static function cache($id)
$model = get_called_class();
$cache_key = static::cache_key($model, $id);
if ( ! $object = static::cacher()->get($cache_key))
$object = new $model($id);
// Only save the object cache if its' loaded
if ($object->loaded())
// Save the loader key into the object (to use when deleting the cache)
// Save this objects' cache
return $object;
* Retrieves the cache driver for current model
* @return Cache
public static function cacher()
return Cache::instance(static::$_cacher_driver);
* Returns the cache key for ORM_Cached::cache()
* @param string $model
* @param mixed $id
* @return string
public static function cache_key($model, $id)
if (is_array($id))
// Sort the passed array keys for consistency
$id = http_build_query($id, '', '::');
elseif (Valid::digit($id))
// Make sure the key is a string to have consistent cache keys
$id = (string) $id;
elseif ( ! is_string($id))
throw new Kohana_Exception('Unsupported $id type: :type',
array(':type' => gettype($id)));
return $model.':::'.$id;
* Deletes the cache for passed ORM_Cached object
* @param ORM_Cached $object
* @return void
public static function delete_cache(ORM_Cached $object)
if ($key = $object->cache_loader_key())
* Saves the cache for passed ORM object
* @param ORM $object
* @return void
public static function save_cache(ORM_Cached $object)
if ($key = $object->cache_loader_key())
static::cacher()->set($key, $object, static::$_cacher_lifetime);
* @var string The key current object was loaded with, if any
protected $_cache_loader_key;
* @var boolean Should table columns be reloaded on wakeup?
protected $_reload_on_wakeup = FALSE;
* ORM contructor overloaded to auto-assign a cache key if none provided
* @param mixed $id
public function __construct($id = NULL)
// If the current record has been loaded and no cache key is set,
// use the primary key for creating a cache key
if ($this->_loaded AND ! $this->cache_loader_key())
$this->cache_loader_key(static::cache_key(get_class($this), $this->pk()));
* Cache loader key setter / getter
* @param mixed $key to set
* @return string|self
* @chainable (on set)
public function cache_loader_key($key = NULL)
if ($key === NULL)
return $this->_cache_loader_key;
$this->_cache_loader_key = $key;
return $this;
* Overloaded create method
* Once the object is created, cache will be saved
* @param Validation $validation
* @return $this (chainable)
public function create(Validation $validation = NULL)
$result = parent::create($validation);
// Assign the cache loader key now that we have the primary key
$this->cache_loader_key(static::cache_key(get_called_class(), $this->pk()));
// Save the cache for this object
return $result;
* Delete override with cache support
* @chainable
* @return $this
public function delete()
return parent::delete();
* Proxy method to Database list_columns.
* @cached
* @return array
public function list_columns()
$cache_key = "{$this->_table_name}::list_columns()";
if ( ! $columns = ORM_Cached::cacher()->get($cache_key))
$columns = $this->_db->list_columns($this->_table_name);
ORM_Cached::cacher()->set($cache_key, $columns, Date::MINUTE);
return $columns;
* Allows serialization of only the object data and state, to prevent
* "stale" objects being unserialized, which also requires less memory.
* @return array
public function serialize()
$data = array();
// Store only information about the object
foreach (static::$_serialized_columns as $var)
$data[$var] = $this->{$var};
return serialize($data);
* Update override with cache support
* @param Validation $validation
* @return $this
* @throws ORM_Validation_Exception
public function update(Validation $validation = NULL)
$result = parent::update($validation);
return $result;
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