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Created March 24, 2013 01:47
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Blender Sushi Script to shuffle the transform position of selected meshes.
# Based on Example Script "Python In Maya" by Shaun Friedberg.
import bpy
import random
def completeShuffle(listToShuffle):
if not isinstance(listToShuffle, list):
raise RuntimeError ('Please provide a list of items to shuffle: {listToShuffle}'.format(listToShuffle = list) )
# Get the length of the list
numOfListItems = len(listToShuffle)
# Loop over the list until none are left
while numOfListItems > 1:
# Decrement numOfListItems
numOfListItems = numOfListItems - 1
# Select an item randomly and shuffle
randomItem = random.randrange(numOfListItems)
listToShuffle[randomItem], listToShuffle[numOfListItems] = listToShuffle[numOfListItems], listToShuffle[randomItem]
# Return our shuffled list
return listToShuffle
# USAGE testList = [1,2,3,4,5]
def randomlySwapSelectedMesh():
meshes = {}
meshes['transforms'] = []
meshes['mesh'] = bpy.context.selected_objects
# Check if there is more than one mesh selected
if not len(meshes['mesh']) > 1:
raise RuntimeError('Please select more than one mesh to swap!')
# LIERO: don't append object location to the list, use location.copy()
for mesh in meshes['mesh']:
print('Mesh: ', mesh)
print('Old Location: ', mesh.location)
print('-----------' * 5)
# Shuffle the list of transforms
# Iterate over mesh and apply new transforms
for newTransform, mesh in zip(meshes['transforms'], meshes['mesh']):
print('New Location: ', newTransform)
print('Mesh: ', mesh)
mesh.location = newTransform
print('-----------' * 5)
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