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Created March 25, 2013 06:10
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Simple script to arrange selected objects into 2D grid with specified width and height
import bpy
Arrange selected objects in specified grid space
def arrangeIn2DGrid(width=10, height=10, spread=2):
# Get List of Selected Objects
myObjects = bpy.context.selected_objects
print('Please select some objects')
totalGrid = width * height
if(len(myObjects) > totalGrid):
print('You need to specify bigger grid for your objects')
coords = []
for x in range(0,width):
for z in range(0,height):
# For every object in list, place each one in order into provided coordinates
for number, object in enumerate(myObjects):
object.location = coords[number][0] * spread, coords[number][1] * spread , 0.0
arrangeIn2DGrid(spread = 9)
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