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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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import random
# A4 paper size in mm
paperWidth = 210
paperHeight = 297
# bleed for printing
bleed = 20
# book spine
spineWidth = 14
# artwork dimensions
artworkWidth = bleed * 2 + paperWidth * 2 + spineWidth
artworkHeight = bleed * 2 + paperHeight
# convert units from points to millimeters
# 1 point = 0.3527mm
pointsToMillimeters = 1 / 0.3527
size(artworkWidth * pointsToMillimeters, artworkHeight * pointsToMillimeters)
# starting coordinates
x0 = bleed
y0 = bleed
# grid rows and columns
numRows = 5
numCols = 14
# cell dimensions
cellSize = 27
cellMargin = 3
# a number that affects how much randomness is applied to each row
randomFactor = 0
# a number that affects randomFactor's rate of increase
multiplier = 0.9
# disable strokes
# draw the grid
for cellRow in range(0, numRows):
for cellCol in range(0, numCols):
# x and y coordinates for each cell
cellX = x0 + cellCol * (cellSize + cellMargin)
cellY = y0 + cellRow * (cellSize + cellMargin)
# leave space for the book spine
if cellCol >= 7: cellX += spineWidth
# each cell is divided into a number of squares
numSquares = random.randint(2, 6)
# randomize square size and make it fit
# the space available in the cell
maxSquareSize = cellSize / numSquares
squareSize = random.randint(2, 15 - numSquares)
if squareSize > maxSquareSize: squareSize = maxSquareSize
# space between squares
space = (cellSize - squareSize * numSquares) / (numSquares - 1)
# draw the squares in each cell
for squareRow in range(0, numSquares):
for squareCol in range(0, numSquares):
# randomize color
c1 = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)
c2 = random.uniform(0.2, 0.9)
cmykFill(c1, c2, c2, 0)
# generate 3 random numbers that will be
# used for rotation, scale, and size
r1 = random.uniform(-1, 1) * randomFactor
r2 = random.uniform(-1, 1) * randomFactor
r3 = random.uniform(1, 3) * randomFactor
# draw the square
translate(cellX + squareSize * squareCol + space * squareCol, cellY + squareSize * squareRow + space * squareRow)
rotate(r1 * 10)
scale(1 + r1, 1 + r2)
rect(0, 0, squareSize + r3, squareSize + r3)
# randomFactor is increased for each row
# every row is more random than the previous row
randomFactor += random.random() * multiplier
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