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Created September 14, 2024 12:03
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12 different ways to learn design

12 different ways to learn design:

  1. LEARN YOUR DESIGN HISTORY Understand the cultural shifts that have led to current trends.

  2. UNDERSTAND THE BASIC TERMS Familiarize yourself with the industry lingo.

  3. NAVIGATE DESIGN BLOGS Pick out blogs that speak to you and your design aesthetic.

  4. FOLLOW DESIGNERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA Many designers post great articles, artwork and inspiring advice.

  5. RESEARCH THE GREATS Understand the perspectives of great designers of the past.

  6. STUDY OTHER DESIGNERS' WORK Analyze why some designers are more successful than others.

  7. USE FREE ADOBE ALTERNATIVES Until you can afford the pro tools, try the free alternatives available.

  8. TAKE FREE ONLINE CLASSES Save yourself some cash by learning to code and design online.

  9. WATCH GREAT VIDEO TUTORIALS Seek out the best design video tutorials & learn at your own pace.

  10. WATCH TED TALKS ON DESIGN TED Talks are like free mini-master classes. Enjoy and learn.

  11. RECREATE YOUR FAVORITE WORK Take a look at some famous design pieces and recreate them.

  12. MAKE SOMETHING NEW Fun projects can take you out of your design comfort zone.

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