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Created September 14, 2024 13:46
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# 10 Storytelling Tips

From Elon Musk to Nail Your Pitch

1. Name the Enemy

Musk immediately says “This is how it is today… it sucks!”
Start by naming the thing that’s getting in the way of your customer’s happiness. It doesn’t have to be Darth Vader or The Wicked Witch of the West. Musk makes it fossil fuels.

2. Create Urgency

“You can order the Powerwall right now on the Tesla website.” “Take solar panels, combine it with the Tesla Powerwall and never have to worry about electricity lines.” A solution that works wherever you are.

3. Agitate the Problem

“If we do nothing, this is where we are heading.” Musk shows that we’re at a pivotal moment. If we don’t act now, things will get much worse.

4. Offer the Missing Piece of the Puzzle

“As most of you are aware, the sun doesn’t shine at night.” What needs to be achieved to get to the promised land? Demonstrate possibility by showing what needs to happen.

5. Spark Intrigue

“I think we should collectively do something about this.” The audience roars with excitement. Musk shows a small blue square on a map of the US. It’s the surface area of solar panels needed to power the entire US. Make your audience know where you’re heading.

6. Sell Benefits, Not Features

“It gives you safety, security and a completely affordable solution.” Cut in power – no problem. Snowstorm – no problem. Live off-grid – no problem. Musk tells the audience exactly how the Tesla Powerwall benefits them, not listing boring features.

7. Show, Don't Tell

Musk plays an engaging 1-minute video of the Tesla Powerwall. If you can’t get in front of investors, record a short Loom video. You get to record your screen and camera whilst giving a clear explanation. Bring the solution alive and make it personal to them.

8. Build Trust

Remove uncertainty from your pitch by giving a demo. The camera cuts to backstage: “This entire night has been powered by batteries.” Zero reliance on the grid. If you’re an early-stage startup, use:

  • Demos
  • Customer feedback
  • Testimonials

9. Demonstrate the Potential

“The whole system is designed for infinite scalability.” What’s needed to transition the world to sustainable energy? 160 million power packs – transition the US. 900 million power packs – transition the world. “This is within the power of humanity.”

10. Show Your Long-Term Vision

Don't pitch to raise money. Pitch because you have never been more excited about what you could accomplish. Musk shows that Tesla can’t do this alone. Receiving an investment comes as a byproduct of buying into your long-term vision.

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