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Created September 14, 2024 21:52
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The 8 step Creative Process

The 8 step Creative Process

Keeping control of your steps and improving your work

1. Think.

Get a grip on what you think you are making.
What are you trying to communicate to your audience?

2. Recognise your inspirations.

Research! Know what has inspired you and know your content.
Knowing more about your topic will help you connect dots you didn’t know were there and strengthen your message.

3. Define your concept.

It helps to provide yourself with guidelines and a bottom line.
Know the themes of your work and the scope so you can return to the heart of the matter when you get lost.

4. Select your tools.

This is your means to creation; making your idea into a work.
Choosing your medium often happens at an instinctive level.
Be aware that the parameters of a medium can really define the character of a work.

5. Experiment and play. Let go of the rules.

Yup. You’ve let all the above brew in your brain, now let it all out.
Party ✂ Make A LOT ✂ Forgive yourself as you go along.

6. Ask the right questions: Analyze.

Back to business. Time to eyeball the experiments you just made.
Which ones communicate? Is your story coherent? Is the medium working?
Go back to your concept and consider your work from there.

7. Refine. Kill your darlings!

The time has come to be brutally honest. Weed out the dead wood.
Ask for other opinions when you grow unsure.
What remains now should have the makings of your story, your message, your art.

8. Reboot.

Odds are it isn’t perfect yet, or still in the sketching phase.
If necessary, rinse and repeat the above steps as desired.
If you get stuck, take another step back and rethink that one.

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