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Created September 14, 2024 12:05
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  1. Monogram logos (or lettermarks) A Monogram logo is a decorative design made up of a combination of one to three letters (traditionally three) to create a single symbol. Monogram logos are commonly used to represent the initials of a person or business.

  2. Wordmarks (or logotypes) Wordmark logos are unique text-only typographic treatments of the brand's name where the name becomes the instant identification of the brand.

  3. Pictorial marks (or logo symbols) A Pictorial Mark (sometimes called brand mark or logo symbol) is an icon or graphic-based logo. It's probably the image that comes to mind when you think "logo".

  4. Abstract logo marks An Abstract logo is a symbol or image that isn't necessarily recognizable, but rather a complex geometric shape that represents your business in a conceptual way. More importantly, abstract logos are able to infuse layers of meaning into an image, making yours a memorable, conversation-starting logo.

  5. Mascots logo A Mascot is a living character that represents an organization or business. It has a life outside of the logo.

  6. The combination mark A Combination Mark is simply logotype and logomark combined into one logo. Text and image or icons are combined to enhance the branding message and helps clarify what a business is all about. There are however integrated and stand-alone combination marks.

  7. The emblem An Emblem is a logo type that features text, a symbol, or imagery inside a geometric shape. It has the power to give a traditional feel to your brand. They are often richer in detail than other types of logos giving an official look to your brand.

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