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Created September 14, 2024 14:18
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15 Powerful Ways to Start Your Presentation

15 Powerful Ways to Start Your Presentation

Don’t just go with a boring opener.
Use these captivating techniques to engage your audience from the first second.

1. Start with a Thought Provoking Question

This Engages Curiosity
Open with a relevant question to spark your audience’s curiosity and encourage interactive thinking.

  • Expert tip: Don’t start with a question that is too difficult. The audience needs to warm up to you first.

2. Quote a Thought Leader

This Leverages Authority
Use a relevant quote from a well-known figure to add credibility and depth to your topic.

  • Expert tip: Don’t use a cliché – people will immediately tune out.

3. Share a Surprising Statistic

This Hooks with Facts
Present a surprising or little-known fact relevant to your topic or industry to shock or intrigue your audience.

  • Expert tip: You can add audience engagement by asking how many people are surprised to hear the statistic.

4. Tell a Story

This Connects Emotionally
Begin with a personal or historical anecdote that ties into your main message.

  • Expert tip: Don’t take too long to get to the point.

5. Show a Captivating Visual

This Creates Visual Impact
Use a striking image or short video clip to draw attention and set the tone.

  • Expert tip: The image should be thought-provoking, funny, or visually rich to create impact.

6. Ask for Audience Participation

This Encourages Interaction
Involve the audience with a show of hands or a quick poll to increase engagement.

  • Expert tip: Don’t be discouraged if people are shy at the beginning – aim to break the ice.

7. Use Humor

This Lightens the Mood
Open with a joke or humorous remark to relax the audience and capture their interest.

  • Expert tip: Instead of a funny “ha-ha” joke, aim to use observational humor.

8. State a Bold Claim

This Challenges Assumptions
Start with a controversial or bold statement to provoke thought and interest.

  • Expert tip: Aim to observe if the audience reacts to the claim.

9. Play Relevant Audio

This Engages the Senses
Use sound effects or ambient audio to enhance your introduction.

  • Expert tip: Using audio instead of video means the attention stays on you.

10. Begin with Historical Context

This Sets the Background
Provide a brief historical background to give depth to the discussion that will follow.

  • Expert tip: Use something interesting, short, and crisp.

11. Present a Problem

This Highlights a Need
Introduce a problem that your presentation will address and explore relevant strategies.

  • Expert tip: Express the problem as simply as possible for maximum impact.

12. Use a Prop

This Helps them Visualize Concepts
Bring a physical object, sample, or prop to illustrate your topic or spark interest.

  • Expert tip: Watch out for overly gimmicky props; use it once and then set it aside.

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