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Last active January 2, 2025 02:07
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Unification algorithm in Elixir.
# Discussed in
defmodule Var do
alias Var
@type t :: %Var{id: any}
defstruct [:id]
@spec new(any) :: Var.t()
def new(id), do: %Var{id: id}
defmodule Unification do
@type variable :: Var.t()
@type atomic :: number | atom | binary
@type uterm :: atomic | variable | [uterm]
@type substitution :: %{} | %{variable => uterm}
@spec unify(substitution, uterm, uterm) :: {:ok, substitution} | :error
def unify(sub, term1, term2) do
do_unify(sub, walk(sub, term1), walk(sub, term2))
defp do_unify(sub, term1, term2) when term1 == term2, do: {:ok, sub}
defp do_unify(sub, %Var{} = var, term), do: extend(sub, var, term)
defp do_unify(sub, term, %Var{} = var), do: extend(sub, var, term)
defp do_unify(sub, [h1 | t1], [h2 | t2]) do
with {:ok, sub} <- unify(sub, h1, h2) do
unify(sub, t1, t2)
defp do_unify(_sub, _term1, _term2), do: :error
@spec extend(substitution, variable, uterm) :: {:ok, substitution}
defp extend(sub, var, term), do: {:ok, Map.put(sub, var, term)}
@spec walk(substitution, uterm) :: uterm
def walk(sub, term) do
case Map.fetch(sub, term) do
{:ok, t} -> walk(sub, t)
:error -> term
@spec simplify(substitution, uterm) :: uterm
def simplify(sub, term) do
case walk(sub, term) do
[h | t] -> [simplify(sub, h) | simplify(sub, t)]
term -> term
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epfahl commented Jan 2, 2025

Hi @epfahl 👋🏾

First off, great writeup from your blog! just found out the two-way pattern matching you mentioned, thanks!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

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