- favour clarity even if it means more lines of code
- write code for people first
- unix single reponsibility principle
- minimize non presentation logic in templates
- alignments of code
- data model design, less than ideal naming in model, names matter
- reduce roundtrips to the database
- semantic css
- it is ok to have multiple css files
- templates
- helpers or not helpers
- data model
- naming - current_user
- authorization - admin - over engineer
- authorization methods
- repeating parts in layout in a partial
- side bar menu in a partial
- application helper better as a partial
- make use of activerecord validations
error checking when saving, consider this example
if @item.save
redirect_to items_path # goto items list when save successfully
render :new # show the new form again when saving failed
- less specific css
- list of products, possible candidate for a partial
- form helpers are ruby code can be used in haml or erb
- products/show.html.erb
consider refactorings:
def view_by?(user)
user.id == meal.id
def edit_by?(user
user.admin? || user.id == meal.id
if @company_authenticated.present? && @company_authenticated.id == @product.company_id
elsif @authenticated.nil?
elsif (@product.questions.map(&:id) & @authenticated.answers.map(&:question_id)).length == 0
- partials
activereocord adds attribute methods for you so you don't the following
def email
consider naming @current_user instead of @auth
def authentication
@auth = User.find(session[:user_id]) unless session[:user_id].nil?
def view_by?(user)
user.id == meal.id
def edit_by?(user
user.admin? || user.id == meal.id
orders controller edit
def edit
@order = Order.find(params[:id])
@meals = []
@meals << @order.meal
semantic css
%th.second Meal
%th.first Location
%th.fifth Host
%th.third Time
%th.fourth Price
%th.fifth Message
heroku private key in repo?
full size image used everywhere
def owned_categories
Category.where :owner_id => self.id
due to less than ideal naming
would be nice and should be able to do
to get all categories belonging to this user and
to get the respective followings and followers
another approach is to use self joins with a following model
string interpolation is unnecessary here:
def search
@pictures = Picture.where("name ilike ?", "%#{params[:query]}%")
@users = User.where("username ilike ?", "%#{params[:query]}%")
@pictures = Picture.where("name ilike ?", params[:query])
- good use of collection partials
things like this can be improved
if @picture.id.in? @authenticated.favourites.map &:picture_id
- data model is important because they form a foundation, and hard to change later
naming matters
User ---< Wish >--- Bar
User has many wishes Bar has many wishes
Wish belongs to User Whish belongs to Bar
Wishlist ---< Wish
Wishlist has many wishes Wish belongs to Wishlist
the following is an example of doing too much:
def authentication
return unless (session[:user_id] || session[:company_id]) # Check for IDs to authenticate.
@user_authenticated = User.find_by_id session[:user_id] unless session[:user_id].nil?
@company_authenticated = Company.find_by_id session[:company_id] unless session[:company_id].nil?
# If we didn't log anyone in, clear out the sessions so we don't try again.
if @user_authenticated.nil? && @company_authenticated.nil?
session[:user_id] = nil
session[:company_id] = nil
better naming
event ---< participation >--- unit
roles, does it need to be a model?
def is_admin?
roles.include?(Role.where(:name => 'admin').first)
be careful not to over engineer, you may not need it
start with admin attribute in user
move on to role attribute in user
def admin?
role == 'admin'
move on to roles attribute in user as an array
def admin?
roles.include? 'admin'
move on to role as a separate model & table
has_many :roles
def admin?
roles.include? Role::ADMIN