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Eka Ponkratova eponkratova

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| Branch | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | y1 | y2 | y3 | |
| A | 86.13 | 16.24 | 48.21 | 49.69 | 9 | 54.53 | 58.98 | 38.16 | |
| B | 29.26 | 10.24 | 41.96 | 40.65 | 5 | 24.69 | 33.89 | 26.02 | |
| C | 43.12 | 11.31 | 38.19 | 35.03 | 9 | 36.41 | 40.62 | 28.51 | |
class DEA(object):
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs):
Initialize the DEA object with input data
n = number of entities (observations)
m = number of inputs (variables, features)
r = number of outputs
:param inputs: inputs, n x m numpy array
:param outputs: outputs, n x r numpy array
def __efficiency(self, unit):
Efficiency function with already computed weights
:param unit: which unit to compute for
:return: efficiency
# compute efficiency
denominator =, self.input_w)
numerator =, self.output_w)
return (numerator/denominator)[unit]
def __target(self, x, unit):
Theta target function for one unit
:param x: combined weights
:param unit: which production unit to compute
:return: theta
in_w, out_w, lambdas = x[:self.m], x[self.m:(self.m+self.r)], x[(self.m+self.r):] # unroll the weights
denominator =[unit], in_w)
numerator =[unit], out_w)
def __constraints(self, x, unit):
Constraints for optimization for one unit
:param x: combined weights
:param unit: which production unit to compute
:return: array of constraints
in_w, out_w, lambdas = x[:self.m], x[self.m:(self.m+self.r)], x[(self.m+self.r):] # unroll the weights
constr = [] # init the constraint array
# for each input, lambdas with inputs
def __optimize(self):
Optimization of the DEA model
A = coefficients in the constraints
b = rhs of constraints
c = coefficients of the target function
d0 = self.m + self.r + self.n
def name_units(self, names):
Provide names for units for presentation purposes
:param names: a list of names, equal in length to the number of units
:return: nothing
assert(self.n == len(names))
self.names = names
def fit(self):
def save_results(dataframe):
df_results = pd.DataFrame([])
df_results = df_results.append(not_efficient, ignore_index = True).T
df_results = df_results.reset_index()
df_results.columns = ['dmu', 'efficiency']
dataframe = dataframe.merge(df_results)
return dataframe
df_ineff = save_results(df)
df_complete = save_results_complete(df)
#Estimating the improvement options - input oriented
heading = list(df_ineff.iloc[:, 1:6])
inter = []
for c in df_ineff.iloc[:, 1:6].columns:
inter.append(df_ineff[c].multiply((1- df_ineff.iloc[:,-1])))
df_improvement = round(pd.concat(inter, axis = 1),1)

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These instructions are for Amazon Linux Version 2

Update Python and PIP versions on EC2 (Amazon AMI)

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install python3 -y