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Last active November 29, 2018 16:24
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Issues observed when trying to migrate from findDOMNode to ref

issues migrating from findDOMNode


  1. <= 16.3: findDOMNode is discouraged but accepted for certain use cases
  2. 16.3 (2018-03-28): forwardRef is introduced: It can be used in HOCs to avoid using findDOMNode on the enhanced component
  3. 16.6 (2018-10-23): findDOMNode is deprecated in React.StrictMode
  4. 16.7.alpha (2018-10-24): React.Concurrent mode is released: This mode extends React.StrictMode in a way that findDOMNode is deprecated in that mode too.

findDOMNode use cases

If you have more use cases please let me know. I only started with use cases of mui-org/material-ui.

with a planned alternative

State of forwardRef

react has 3.4M downloads/week.

hoist-non-react-statics (3.9M downloads/week; not clear what percentage is 2.x)

A utility mainly used in HOCs and encouraged to use in the official react docs. However everyone stuck at 2.x will likely encounter issues with forwardRef since that version does not handle any react@^16.3 features. ^3.2.0 should have no issues apart from some minor issues with propTypes hoisting from forwardRef to forwardRef. The latest stable from zeit/next still uses that outdated version. However the latest canary for 7.0.3 does not.

react-docgen (400k downloads/week)

Not recognized as a valid component definition. PR open at reactjs/react-docgen#311.

react-redux (1.4M downloads/week)

connect does properly forward their refs in the beta release of 6.x. No timeline for stable release given however 3 betas have already been released so it's probably soon.

react-router (1.4M downloads/week)

withRouter is planned to forward refs (ReactTraining/react-router#6056#issuecomment-435524678). However no comment about the other components and no major release candidate is published.

display name

React.forwardRef components are recognized by react-devtools. However when wrapped in a HOC it's very likely that the display name is lost. See facebook/react#14319

The issue


  • you are not in control of your whole component tree i.e. you use components from 3rd party libraries
  • you want to use React.ConcurrentMode
  • Usable includes production and development. It specifically means for development that deprecation warnings in a component make that component not usable in development mode because of all the noise it adds in those cases. Noise because it's not actionable if that component is from a 3rd party library.

If none of those applies to you then you probably don't have an issue with findDOMNode deprecation.

The mode of a partial tree can only be made more restrictive but not loosened up. If you wrap your tree in React.StrictMode and use a component from a 3rd party library that 3rd party library has to be React.StrictMode compliant too.

This means that you can't use React.StrictMode effectiveley. This might be ok since it's for development only anyway and has no implications for production. However Concurrent mode can have actual implications for production. Since it is new and the community wants to use new things libraries have to make sure that they are strict mode compliant too.

In addition between the relase of an alternative in the form of React.forwardRef and the deprecation only 6 months have passed. One could argue that this is plenty of time but (at least from my perspective) the work on migrating from findDOMNode to refs and forwardRef was postponed because findDOMNode was not deprecated yet. However the actual deprecation happened one day before the release of unstable_ConcurrentMode virtually giving no time to migrate. We'll have to see when a stable 16.7 release will happen but assuming this happens today only a month has passed between deprecation and virtual removal.


Refs are not a viable upgrade path to replace findDOMNode. Until refs are usable without headaches from forwarding refs findDOMNode should be undeprecated.


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eps1lon commented Nov 29, 2018

Please leave comments at facebook/react#14357

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