Or 'How to don't loose time on these damn surveys and earn your stars and start playing the game you just got
Since the Nintendo's website uses jQuery, we should totally use it to do that.
Open your JavaScript console (Cmd+Alt+J on Chrome OSX/Ctrl+Shift+J on Chrome Windows) and type the following commands :
This bad boy fills out the first radio/checkboxes buttons on the first page !
$('.clubcontent + [class*="form_"] input').attr('checked',true)
And this one fills out the "How many persons are gonna play the game ?" question
Luckily enough, the following pages are almost all the same in structure so you can use this naughty boy to fill out (almost) all the radio/checkboxes buttons afterwards, yay!
$('[id^=q] [class*="form_"]:first-child input, .clubcontent + [class*="form_"] input, input[id^=q]').attr('checked',true)
When you're on the 2nd page, there is the User Infos section, use these nifty lines (in order) to fill this section in no time!
// Age input
// Gender age
// The first user radio button
Play your damn game and enjoy your (hard earned) stars right now!
PS: If you liked this piece of stuff, you can always donate on PayPal to damien[.]erambert[at]me[.]com
Why is this Chrome only ?