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Created January 11, 2022 23:33
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#!/bin/env python
# yo dawg I heard you needed a proxy for your proxy
# this is a very slow proof of concept
import socketserver
import http.server
import urllib.request
#whatever localhost port we want to listen on
g_port = 9999
#where to redirect requests to
g_redirect_url = ""
#redirect referer
g_referer_url = ""
class MyProxy(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# self.path will be the junk after our server/port used in the URL, including the leading slash
# get rid of leading slash
# add the arcgis proxy
url = g_redirect_url + "?" + url
self.headers["Referer"] = g_referer_url
self.path = url
print("URL:", url)
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=self.headers)
print(" Getting...")
self.copyfile(urllib.request.urlopen(req), self.wfile)
print(" done!")
do_HEAD = do_GET
do_POST = do_GET
do_PUT = do_GET
do_DELETE = do_GET
# localhost on g_port defined above
httpd = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', g_port), MyProxy)
print("Serving on http://localhost:{}".format(g_port))
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