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Created September 6, 2012 16:46
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Automatic LaTeX re-rendererer
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# refresh_latex
# Automagically re-render LaTeX files and open the result in a PDF reader.
# Using Skim we can do all of this without losing focus to the editor,
# although I provide code to somewhat accomplish this with
# As of right now it only works in OS X since it uses the "open" command.
# Feel free to port it to any platform you want to
# NOTE: requires the "listen" ruby gem
# Install it with the following command:
# gem install listen
require 'listen'
if ARGV.size == 0
puts "You didn't tell me the LaTeX document you wanted to render!"
exit 0
# Input argument is the path to the tex file
filename = File.absolute_path(ARGV[0])
# Name without extension
name = File.basename(filename).chomp(File.extname(filename))
output_dir = File.dirname(filename)
output_file = File.join(output_dir, "#{name}.pdf")
temp_dir = '/tmp/latex_refresh'
# Create temp directory if it doesn't already exist
Dir.mkdir(temp_dir) unless File.exists?(temp_dir)
# Set output directory and place aux files in /tmp
options = [
#"-aux-directory=#{temp_dir}", # This doesn't work for some reason :(
# The rest of the arguments are options that can be passed into pdflatex
options += ARGV[1..-1] if ARGV.size > 1
# Listen for changes to the tex file, :filter => /\.tex$/) do |modified, added, removed|
#`pdflatex '#{filename}' #{options.join(' ')} 2>&1 /dev/null`
`pdflatex '#{filename}' #{options.join(' ')}`
# If you want to open it with us this line
# Redirect output to /dev/null since complains a lot even if it's working
`open -g '#{output_file}' -a '~/Applications/' 2>&1 /dev/null`
# only refreshes the PDF when we give it focus,
# so we'll use this hack to give it focus and return focus back
# to the application that was open before.
# If you want to use a different viewer you can get rid of all this...
## Get the currently focused application
#app = `osascript -e 'POSIX path of (path to application (name of (info for (path to frontmost application))))'`.strip
## Open the PDF
#`open '#{output_file}'`
## Restore focus to the original app
#`osascript -e 'tell application "#{app}" to activate'`
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