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Forked from cfilipov/Phone Words II.swift
Last active November 6, 2016 16:53
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import Cocoa
// Missing isWord
func isWord(string: String) -> Bool {
if let _ = Int(string) { return false }
let range = NSSpellChecker.shared().checkSpelling(of: string, startingAt: 0)
return range.location == NSNotFound
## Phone Words
Generate a collection of words that can be represented by a given phone number. If a phone number contains the digits `1` or `0` then split up the phone number and find the words for each of the substrings as long as each substring has more than one digit. Non-keypad characters can be ignored. Optionally, filter out words so that only dictionary words are present in the result.
║ 1 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║
║ ║ abc ║ def ║
║ 4 ║ 5 ║ 6 ║
║ ghi ║ jkl ║ mno ║
║ 7 ║ 8 ║ 9 ║
║ pqrs║ tuv ║wxyz ║
║ * ║ 0 ║ # ║
║ ║ ║ ║
`1-8000-356-9377` should return "FLOWERS"
Some helper code
extension Int {
init?(c: Character) {
guard let i = Int(String(c)) else { return nil }
self = i
func not<T>(pred: (T) -> Bool) -> (e: T) -> Bool {
return {
e in
return !pred(e)
func isDigit(c: Character) -> Bool {
return ("0"..."9").contains(c)
Used for mapping over a collection, replace items in the collection with values keyed by those items.
let r = ["a": 1, "b": 12, "c": 144]
["a", "b", "c"].flatMap(transform(r))
Using the pipe-forward operator:
["a", "b", "c"].flatMap(r |> transform)
func transform<T: Hashable, V>(dict: [T:V]) -> (element: T) -> V? {
return {
element in
return dict[element]
Pipe-forward operator
`f(x)` can be written as `x |> f`
infix operator |> { precedence 50 associativity left }
public func |> <T,U>(lhs: T, rhs: (T) -> U) -> U {
return rhs(lhs)
Protocol representing types that implement `+`
protocol Combinable {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension String: Combinable {}
Return all combinations of elements of pre with elements of suf
Arguments are arrays of `Combinable`.
func permute<T: Combinable>(pre:[T], _ suf: [T]) -> [T] {
if pre.isEmpty { return suf }
if suf.isEmpty { return pre }
return pre.flatMap { p in { s in p + s } }
let keyMap: [Int: [String]] = [
0: ["0"],
1: ["1"],
2: ["a","b","c"],
3: ["d","e","f"],
4: ["g","h","i"],
5: ["j","k","l"],
6: ["m","n","o"],
7: ["p","q","r","s"],
8: ["t","u","v"],
9: ["w","x","y","z"]
1. Characters of the string
2. Convert each `Character` to an `Int?`
3. Replace each non-nil Int with an array of letters
4. Combine permutations of every element
5. Optionally, filter by a set of valid En-US words
func phoneWords(number: String) -> [String] {
return number
.characters // 1
.flatMap(Int.init) // 2
.flatMap(keyMap |> transform) // 3
.reduce([], combine: permute) // 4
.filter(isWord) // 5
Similar to `phoneWords(String)` but with a min length
func phoneWords(minLength: Int) -> (number: String) -> [String] {
return {
number in
if number.characters.filter(("2"..."9").contains).count >= minLength {
return phoneWords(number: number)
} else {
return [number]
1. Characters of the string
2. Split at non-digits
3. Convert each sub-array into `String`
4. Replace each `String` with an array of possible phone words
let m = "1-800-3569377"
.characters // 1
.split(isSeparator: { return !isDigit(c: $0) }) // 2
.map(String.init) // 3
.map(phoneWords(minLength: 2)) // 4
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