- Intro to Scala for Java Devs - NY JavaSIG 2012-01-11 (by me)
- Effective Scala - ScalaDays 2011
- Seductions of Scala
- Scala - A Scalable Language
- Why Scala? by @venkat_s
- How Guardian UK moved from Java to Scala
- Effective Scala - NEScala 2012
- Effective Scaladoc
- Scala Documentation Home Page
- Scala API
- Scala Collections API
- Scala Language Specification
- Scala Style Guide
- Databricks Scala Style Guide
- Scala
- sbt
- Scala Maven Plugin (requires Maven 3)
- Maven Scala Plugin (older, works with Maven 2)
- Scala-lang Tools Page
- Programming in Scala 1st Ed
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala (online course)
- Principles of Reactive Programming (online course)
- Scala Tutorials (online worksheet)
- Typesafe Activator
- Programming Scala
- Scala for the Impatient
- Learning Scala
- Learning Scalaz
- The Neophyte's Guide to Scala
- A Tour of Scala
- Twitter Scala School
- Twitter's Effective Scala
- StackOverflow Scala Tutorial
- Scala Labs
- Scala Collections Design Tutorial
- Workday's Scala for Beginners
- Introduction to the Art of Programming using Scala
- Scala Exercises
- Akka - Actors
- Scala STM - Software Transactional Memory
- scalaz - Functional programming library
- typelevel.scala - Typeclasses
- Twitter Util - Utility classes
- Slick - Database
- slick-dao - DAO for Slick
- ScalaQuery - Database
- Squeryl - Database
- Activate - Database
- Casbah - MongoDB Driver
- Spark - Cluster computing
- Scalding - Hadoop Map/Reduce client
- Dispatch - HTTP client
- Play! - Rails-like web framework
- Unfiltered - Lightweight HTTP server
- Spray - Asynchronous HTTP client / server using Akka
- Scalatra - Sinatra-like web micro-framework
- Scalate - Template rendering
- ScalaTags - XML/HTML construction
- Finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- Twitter Server - Administrative HTTP server, tracing, stats, etc.
- Finatra - A Sinatra-inspired web framework running on top of Finagle
- Kestrel - Messaging based on Starling
- Kafka - Pub/Sub Messaging
- Scala.Rx Change Propagation (FRP)
- scala-arm - Resource management
- spire - Numerics
- squants - Quantiles, Units of Measure, Dimensional Analysis
- Algebird - Abstract algebra
- Shapeless - Generic / Type level programming
- ScalaBuff - Protocol Buffers
- ScalaTest - Unit testing
- scalacheck - Test generation, based on QuickCheck
- specs2 - BDD testing
- anti-xml - XML processing
- scalaxb - XML Schema to case class code generation
- Scala Logging
- nscala-time - Joda time wrapper
- sjson - JSON
- Jackson Scala - JSON
- jacks - JSON
- spray-json - JSON
- json4s - JSON
- lift-json - JSON
- rapture-json - JSON
- Ostrich - Metrics
- Bijection - Conversions
- Parboiled - Parser generator
- scopt - Command line parsing
- Sumac - Command line parsing
- Scalive - Connect a Scala REPL to a running JVM process
- Scala Notebook - Browser-based Scala REPL
- Scala Script Engine - On the fly compilation of Scala source code
- Laika - Site generation from Markdown/reStructuredText
- scala-gopher - Go-like channels/selectors
- Twitter ♥ Open Source - All of Twitter's open source projects
- Scala+Spring+Hibernate+Maven Sample Webapp
- Awesome Scala - Another list of Scala open-source projects
- Scala Home Page
- Scala Publications at LAMP EPFL
- Tony Morris' scala.Option Cheatsheet
- Idiomatic Options w/cheatsheet
- Daniel Sobral's Scala on the Web Page
- Daniel Sobral's Scala 2.10 deck
- Daniel Sobral's Learning Scala SO answer
- Scala Performance Considerations (video)
- Evan Chan's Links
- Useful Scalac Flags
- By-Name Parameters in Scala
- Methods are not Functions (eta-expansion)
- Scala's Type of Types
- Scala Best Practices
- Awesome Scala