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Created March 21, 2019 02:43
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, NamedFieldPuns, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeOperators, Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-| For each simulation, every person is randomly assigned a task, and
normally randomly decides how long each task ends up taking for this
particular simulation; it then walks forward in time until the first
person (or people) complete their task, at which point it randomly
assigns new tasks from the remaining, chooses normal random numbers
for how long they'll take, and continues walking forward in time until
the next person finishes a task.
Once it has a total number of days for work being done. It walks
forward in time skipping holidays and weekends to find a terminating
date that it can report to the caller.
module Metadrift.Internal.Simulation where
import qualified Data.Random.Normal as Normal
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe.Utils (forceMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.MonteCarlo as MonteCarlo
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, lift, evalStateT, get, put)
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as AesonEncoder
import qualified Data.Label as Labels
import Data.Label.Monadic (modify, gets, puts)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Sequence ((|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Metadrift.Internal.Resources.User.V1 as User
import qualified Metadrift.Internal.Resources.Card.V1 as Card
import qualified Metadrift.Internal.Utils as Utils
import System.Random.TF (newTFGen)
import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffle')
import qualified Metadrift.Internal.Simulation.SimUser as SimUser
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
data Excluded = Excluded
{ cardName :: Card.Name
, missingEstimate :: User.Username
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Generic)
$(AesonEncoder.deriveJSON Utils.defaultAesonOptions ''Excluded)
data Retired = Retired
{ retiredUser :: SimUser.T
, retiredAt :: Double
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Generic)
data RetiredResult = RetiredResult
name :: User.Username
, retiredDate :: UTCTime
} deriving (Show)
$(AesonEncoder.deriveJSON Utils.defaultAesonOptions ''RetiredResult)
data Result = Result
{ completionDate :: UTCTime
, reqPercentile :: Double
, workingDays :: Double
, excluded :: [Excluded]
, retired :: [RetiredResult]
, totalManDays :: Double
, totalNonWorkingDays :: Double
, totalPto :: Double
} deriving (Generic)
$(AesonEncoder.deriveJSON Utils.defaultAesonOptions ''Result)
data SimState = SimState
{ _days :: Double
, _rawUsers :: Seq.Seq User.T
, _users :: Seq.Seq SimUser.T
, _retiredUsers :: Seq.Seq Retired
, _cards :: Seq.Seq Card.T
, _excludedCards :: Set.Set Excluded
, _simulateTimeOff :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Generic)
$(Labels.mkLabels [''SimState])
data SimulationResult = SimulationResult { daysToComplete :: Double,
allRetiredUsers :: Seq.Seq Retired,
allExcludedCards :: Set.Set Excluded,
simTotalManDays :: Double,
simTotalNonWorkingDays :: Double,
simTotalPto :: Double
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Generic)
type SimulationState g a = StateT SimState (MonteCarlo.MonteCarlo g) a
experimentCount :: Int
experimentCount = 10000
-- Documentation recomends the count divided by 200 as a starting paint
experimentChunks :: Int
experimentChunks = 50
-- Normally distributed random selection of days
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> Double -> Double -> SimulationState g Double
genBetween p5 p95 =
let mean = (p95 + p5) / 2.0
stddev = (p95 - mean) / p90PercentileFactor
in do gen <- lift get
let (newRandom, newGen) = Normal.normal' (mean, stddev) gen
lift $ put newGen
return newRandom
-- Pulled from
p90PercentileFactor :: Double
p90PercentileFactor = 1.644853626951
random :: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g) => SimulationState g Double
random =
lift MonteCarlo.random
getAdjustmentFactor :: SimUser.T -> Double -> (Double, Double)
getAdjustmentFactor simUser daysToWork =
nonWorkingTime = Lens.view SimUser.nonWorkingTimeSpread simUser * daysToWork
pto = Lens.view SimUser.ptoSpread simUser * daysToWork
in (nonWorkingTime, pto)
-- Normally distributed random selection of days
:: SimUser.T -> Double -> SimUser.CardWorkingDays
getElapsedDaysForTask' simUser elapsedDays =
(nonWorking, pto) = getAdjustmentFactor simUser elapsedDays
in SimUser.CardWorkingDays{_total= pto + elapsedDays + nonWorking,
_nonWorking = nonWorking,
_pto = pto}
-- Normally distributed random selection of days
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimUser.T -> Double -> Double -> SimulationState g SimUser.CardWorkingDays
getElapsedDaysForTask simUser p5 p95 = do
elapsedDays <- genBetween p5 p95
timeOffSimulation <- gets simulateTimeOff
if timeOffSimulation
then return $ getElapsedDaysForTask' simUser elapsedDays
else return SimUser.CardWorkingDays{_total= elapsedDays,
_nonWorking = 0.0,
_pto = 0.0}
countOutDaysFromNow :: Double -> IO Clock.UTCTime
countOutDaysFromNow daysToCount = do
now <- Clock.getCurrentTime
return $ Utils.countOutDays now daysToCount
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> Seq.Seq a -> SimulationState g (Maybe a)
getRandomValueFromSequence lval =
if Seq.null lval
then return Nothing
else do
index <- lift $ MonteCarlo.randomR (0, Seq.length lval - 1)
return (Just $ Seq.index lval index)
stepUser :: Double -> SimUser.T -> SimUser.T
stepUser ldays user =
case SimUser._workInProgress user of
Just wip ->
let previousDaysLeft = SimUser._daysLeft wip
currentDaysLeft = maximum [0, previousDaysLeft - ldays]
in if currentDaysLeft == 0
then Lens.over SimUser.workedCards (|> wip) (user {SimUser._workInProgress = Nothing})
else user {SimUser._workInProgress = Just (wip {SimUser._daysLeft = currentDaysLeft})}
Nothing -> user
leastStep :: SimulationState g Double
leastStep = do
localUsers <- gets users
let daysLeft = SimUser._daysLeft <$> catMaybes (toList (fmap SimUser._workInProgress localUsers))
let minDays = minimum (0:daysLeft)
if minDays <= 0
then return 1
else return minDays
stepState :: SimulationState g ()
stepState = do
leastStepInDays <- leastStep
modify days (+ leastStepInDays)
modify users (fmap (stepUser leastStepInDays))
return ()
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimUser.T -> Card.T -> SimulationState g (Maybe SimUser.CardWorkingDays)
getWorkDays simUser Card.T {Card.estimates} =
let username = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) simUser
in case List.find ((== username) . Card.username) estimates of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just Card.Estimate {Card.range = Card.Range {Card.p5 = rangeP5
,Card.p95 = rangeP95}} ->
Just <$> getElapsedDaysForTask simUser rangeP5 rangeP95
addWorkForUser :: User.Username -> SimUser.WorkInProgress ->
SimUser.T -> SimUser.T
addWorkForUser username wip potentialWorker =
let potentialUsername = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) potentialWorker
in if username == potentialUsername
then Lens.over SimUser.workInProgress (\_ -> Just wip) potentialWorker
else potentialWorker
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimUser.T -> SimUser.WorkInProgress -> SimulationState g SimulationResult
stepWithDays user wip =
let username = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) user
in do
modify users (fmap (addWorkForUser username wip))
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimUser.T -> Card.T -> SimulationState g SimulationResult
stepWithCard simUser card =
let newUsername = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) simUser
in getWorkDays simUser card >>=
Just workingDays -> stepWithDays simUser SimUser.WorkInProgress { SimUser._card = card
, SimUser._daysLeft = SimUser._total workingDays
, _workingCardDays = workingDays }
Nothing -> do
{ cardName = forceMaybe $ card
, missingEstimate = newUsername
getNextUnassignedCardInSeq :: User.Username -> Seq.Seq Card.T -> Int -> SimulationState g (Maybe Card.T)
getNextUnassignedCardInSeq userName workingCards index =
case Utils.lookup index workingCards of
Just (card @ Card.T {Card.doer = Nothing}) -> do
puts cards $ Utils.deleteAt index workingCards
return $ Just card
Just _ -> getNextUnassignedCardInSeq userName workingCards (index+1)
Nothing -> return Nothing
getNextAssignedCardInSeq :: User.Username -> Seq.Seq Card.T -> Int -> SimulationState g (Maybe Card.T)
getNextAssignedCardInSeq userName workingCards index =
case Utils.lookup index workingCards of
Just (card@ Card.T {Card.doer = Just userName'}) | userName == userName' -> do
puts cards (Utils.deleteAt index workingCards)
return $ Just card
Just _ -> getNextAssignedCardInSeq userName workingCards (index+1)
Nothing -> getNextUnassignedCardInSeq userName workingCards 0
areAllUsersRetired :: SimulationState g Bool
areAllUsersRetired = do
allUsers <- gets users
return $ Seq.length allUsers == 0
:: SimUser.T -> SimulationState g (Maybe Card.T)
getNextCard user = do
allCards <- gets cards
getNextAssignedCardInSeq (Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) user) allCards 0
retireUser :: SimUser.T -> SimulationState g ()
retireUser user =
let userName = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) user
in do
ldays <- gets days
modify users (Seq.filter (\a -> userName /= Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) a))
modify retiredUsers (\allRetiredUsers ->
allRetiredUsers |> Retired{ retiredUser = user, retiredAt = ldays })
packageSimulation :: SimulationState g SimulationResult
packageSimulation = do
ldays <- gets days
allRetiredUsers <- gets retiredUsers
allExcludedCards <- gets excludedCards
let totals = fmap (SimUser.getAggregateCardWorkingDays . retiredUser) allRetiredUsers
return SimulationResult { daysToComplete = ldays,
allRetiredUsers = allRetiredUsers,
allExcludedCards = allExcludedCards,
simTotalManDays = sum $ fmap SimUser._total totals,
simTotalNonWorkingDays = sum $ fmap SimUser._nonWorking totals,
simTotalPto = sum $ fmap SimUser._pto totals }
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimulationState g SimulationResult
stepWithAvailableUser =
randomlyChooseAnAvailableUser >>= \case
Nothing -> do
allUsersAreRetired <- areAllUsersRetired
if allUsersAreRetired
then packageSimulation
else runSimulation
Just user ->
getNextCard user >>= \case
Just card -> stepWithCard user card
Nothing -> do
retireUser user
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimulationState g (Maybe SimUser.T)
randomlyChooseAnAvailableUser = do
availableUsers <- Seq.filter (isNothing . SimUser._workInProgress) <$> gets users
getRandomValueFromSequence availableUsers
shuffleCards :: MonteCarlo.RandomGen g => Seq.Seq Card.T -> SimulationState g (Seq.Seq Card.T)
shuffleCards unshuffledCards = do
gen <- lift get
let shuffledCards = shuffle' (toList unshuffledCards) (Seq.length unshuffledCards) gen
return $ Seq.fromList shuffledCards
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimulationState g SimulationResult
runSimulation = do
generateSimUser :: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> User.T -> SimulationState g SimUser.T
generateSimUser user = do
dailyTimeOffSpread <- case User._pto user of
Just User.PTO{User.p5, User.p95} -> do
daysOffInTwoMonthPeriod <- genBetween p5 p95
return $ daysOffInTwoMonthPeriod / 40
Nothing -> return 0.0
nonWorkingTimeSpread <-
case Lens.view User.nonCardTime user of
Just User.NonCardTime {User.p5, User.p95} ->
genBetween p5 p95
Nothing ->
return 0.0
return SimUser.T {SimUser._user = user,
SimUser._ptoSpread = dailyTimeOffSpread,
SimUser._nonWorkingTimeSpread = nonWorkingTimeSpread,
SimUser._workInProgress = Nothing,
SimUser._workedCards = Seq.empty }
:: (MonteCarlo.RandomGen g)
=> SimulationState g SimulationResult
startSimulation = do
raw <- gets rawUsers
simUsers <- mapM generateSimUser raw
puts users simUsers
unshuffledCards <- gets cards
shuffledCards <- -- the shuffle will hang here if it gets an empty list
if Seq.length unshuffledCards == 0
then return unshuffledCards
else shuffleCards unshuffledCards
puts cards shuffledCards
convertToProcessable :: [SimulationResult] -> [SimulationResult]
convertToProcessable =
List.sortOn daysToComplete
retiredToRetiredResult :: Seq.Seq Retired -> IO (Seq.Seq RetiredResult)
retiredToRetiredResult =
mapM (\a ->
targetDate <- countOutDaysFromNow (retiredAt a)
return RetiredResult { name = Lens.view (SimUser.user . User.username) (retiredUser a)
, retiredDate = targetDate })
processResult :: Int -> Double -> [SimulationResult] -> IO Result
processResult resultCount requestedPercentile results' =
let results = convertToProcessable results'
index = ceiling (requestedPercentile * fromIntegral resultCount) - 1
simulationResult = results !! index
in do targetDate <- countOutDaysFromNow (daysToComplete simulationResult)
finalRetiredUsers <- retiredToRetiredResult (allRetiredUsers simulationResult)
{ completionDate = targetDate
, reqPercentile = requestedPercentile
, workingDays = daysToComplete simulationResult
, excluded = Set.toList (allExcludedCards simulationResult)
, retired = toList finalRetiredUsers
, totalManDays = simTotalManDays simulationResult
, totalNonWorkingDays = simTotalNonWorkingDays simulationResult
, totalPto = simTotalPto simulationResult
-- Runs a set of montecarlo simulations (the number bound by `experimentCount`)
-- then processes the result finding the number of days (and the projected
-- completion date from today).
run :: Double -> Seq.Seq Card.T -> Seq.Seq User.T -> Bool -> IO Result
run requestedPercentile simCards workers timeOffSimulation =
if Seq.null workers
then do
today <- countOutDaysFromNow 0
{ completionDate = today
, reqPercentile = requestedPercentile
, workingDays = 0.0
, excluded = []
, retired = []
, totalManDays = 0.0
, totalNonWorkingDays = 0.0
, totalPto = 0.0
else let initialState =
{ _days = 0
, _rawUsers = workers
, _users = Seq.empty
, _cards = simCards
, _retiredUsers = Seq.empty
, _excludedCards = Set.empty
, _simulateTimeOff = timeOffSimulation
in do
g <- liftIO newTFGen
let result =
(evalStateT startSimulation initialState)
g :: [SimulationResult]
processResult experimentCount requestedPercentile result
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