This is a step-by-step guide to:
- Creating a MEAN app
- Managing and configuring three environments: local, staging and production using heroku
- Connecting the app to a remote MongoDB database
- Binding the production server to a domain name
- Implementing a login/register system via Oauth
Clone boilerplate from this repository
Credits for creating this seed:
Create your app First, sign up on Heroku. Create your first app
Install Heroku's CLI
Create your remote staging
heroku create --remote staging Creating app... done, ⬢ sheltered-atoll-86099 | heroku apps:rename staging-yourname --app sheltered-atoll-86099
To deploy to staging, stage and commit changes, then:
git push staging master
Create your remote prod
heroku create --remote production heroku apps:rename production-yourname --app heroku-generated-name-86099
Likewise, to deploy:
git push production master
- Bind the app to heroku
First list current origins:
git remote -v
Add heroku remote:
git remote add heroku
Download the heroku CLI for your OS on the heroku website
Add a public SSH key to your account
Check for existing ssh keys
ls -al ~/.ssh
Generate a new ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
Press Enter, then type a passphrase twice
Adding the ssh keys to heroku
heroku keys:add
MongoDB can be installed locally. However, it is easier to get started with a remote db hosted by MongoLab.
Create a new user with credentials for that db
Find the "sandbox" option for free hosting
Add MongoLab to your local environment
export MONGOLAB_URI="mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>"
Configure staging and prod
heroku config:set MONGOLAB_URI="mongodb://example:[email protected]:53312/todolist" --remote staging heroku config:set MONGOLAB_URI="mongodb://example:[email protected]:53312/todolist" --remote production
Note: in this example, all three environments connect to the same MongoDB service. That is rarely the case in a real-world scenario. Simply modify the config for each environment when necessary.
View existing domains
heroku domains --remote production
Add domain or subdomain to the production app
heroku domains:add --remote production
Configure your domain host's DNS to point to heroku
Login to your domain provider, and open the DNS manager.
Supposing you want to point to, you'll need to add a CNAME record for pointing to, another one for with the same target.
The seed code implements Oauth for Instagram.
First, create a dev app on Instagram.
You will be supplied with a client id and secret. Add those to the remotes:
heroku config:set INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID="your_id" --remote staging
heroku config:set INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET="your_secret" --remote staging
heroku config:set INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID="your_id" --remote production
heroku config:set INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET="your_secret" --remote production
Also add the environment variables to ~/.bashrc (for Linux)
The seed uses the Instagram passport strategy