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Last active August 20, 2020 13:38
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chef-client validator bootstrap

Bootstrap chef client with Validator Bootstrap Option

To bootstrap a node we need to install install Chef-Client and configure Chef-Client to talk to Chef-Server.

The validator bootstrap option has the client bootstrap itself, and is commonly used with another tool like vRA, Terraform or SCCM to perform the initial fleet bootstrap.


1. Download appropriate chef-client from

2. Run the appropriate installer for your operating system.

3. Make sure chef-client is on your path

You can check it's installed & on your path & installed correctly with:

chef-client --version 
Chef Infra Client: 15.5.17

One Windows you need the following two entries added to PATH environmental variable.


4. Copy your organization validator key to your node:

The client needs to authenticate to Chef-Server. We'll use the validator key that was created when you made your organization validator.pem to authenticate us during the bootstrap process.

For Linux copy the key over to /etc/chef/ create the chef directory if needed.

For Windows copy the key over to C:\chef\ create the chef directory if needed.

5. Create your chef-client config file client.rb

Linux example:

For linux create your config file at /etc/chef/client.rb

Example /etc/chef/client.rb

chef_server_url  'https://FQDN/organizations/demo-org'
validation_key '/etc/chef/validator.pem'
chef_license 'accept'
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
policy_name 'base-policy'
policy_group 'demo'

windows example:

For Windows create your config file at C:\chef\client.rb

Windows Example C:\chef\client.rb

chef_server_url 'https://FQDN/organizations/demo-org'
validation_key 'C:\\chef\\validator.pem'
chef_license 'accept'
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
policy_name 'base-policy'
policy_group 'demo'

client.rb notes:

chef_server_url is the FQDN to your chef server. /organizations/orgname is required you may have multiple orgnanizations so you need to be specific. Mine was demo-org

validation_key is the full path to your validator.pem

chef_license & ssl_verify_mode, accept the chef license, then disable SSL verification since we used a self-signed cert when we configured Chef Automate.

Windows requires an extra \ since \ is a special character in ruby & we need to escape it C:\\Users\\

6. Run chef-client

We have chef-client installed, we've created our chef-client config file, and copied our validator key over.

We can simply run the chef-client now, and it'll bootstrap itself to the chef-server. You'll need to run as sudo or administrator so Chef-Client can create/read it's secret key.


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