$URL = "https://api.bintray.com/content/habitat/stable/windows/x86_64/hab-%24latest-x86_64-windows.zip?bt_package=hab-x86_64-windows"
Invoke-Webrequest -uri $URL -OutFile habitat.zip
Expand-Archive habitat.zip -DestinationPath C:\
Rename-Item C:\hab-0.78.0-20190313120028-x86_64-windows\ -NewName "habitat"
Login into your Automate server and create a file called oauth.toml
Is your builder FQDN. The URL should be http
if you have SSL disabled which may be the case for an evaluation.
IMPORTANT: don't forget the /
at the end of the URL you set for bldr_signin_url
driver: | |
name: vagrant | |
# box: windows-box-name | |
# box_url: http://FQDN_to-windows-virtual-box.box | |
# box_download_insecure: True | |
boot_timeout: 1200 | |
gui: false | |
provisioner: | |
name: chef_zero |
driver: | |
name: vagrant | |
# Air-gap settings to pull box from internal repo | |
box: linux-box-name | |
box_url: http://URL_to-linux-virtual-box.box | |
box_download_insecure: True | |
provisioner: | |
name: chef_zero | |
# Air-gap settings to pull chef-client from internal repo |
Downloads the automate deployment cli curl https://packages.chef.io/files/current/latest/chef-automate-cli/chef-automate_linux_amd64.zip | gunzip - > chef-automate && chmod +x chef-automate
sudo ./chef-automate init-config
Make sure fqdn =
"yourFQDN" It'll pull this from the system hostname by default
include_recipe 'audit::default' | |
node.default['audit']['reporter'] = 'chef-server-automate' | |
node.default['audit']['fetcher'] = 'chef-server' | |
case node['platform'] | |
when 'centos' | |
node.default['audit']['profiles']['cis-centos7-level1-server'] = { | |
'compliance': 'admin/cis-centos7-level1-server', | |
'version': '2.2.0-14' |
driver: | |
name: vagrant | |
# Air-gap settings to pull box from internal repo | |
box: centoss-7-v202002.04.0 | |
box_url: | |
box_download_insecure: True | |
provisioner: | |
name: chef_zero | |
# Air-gap settings to pull chef-client from internal repo |
wget -O /tmp/chef-15.8.23-1.el7.x86_64.rpm | |
sudo rpm -ivh /tmp/chef-15.8.23-1.el7.x86_64.rpm |
First you'll need to install Chef-Workstation on your laptop. This includes all the tools you need to use Chef.
Test your chef-workstation install with chef --version
Chef Workstation version: 0.7.4
To bootstrap a node we need to install install Chef-Client and configure Chef-Client to talk to Chef-Server.
The validator bootstrap option has the client bootstrap itself, and is commonly used with another tool like vRA, Terraform or SCCM to perform the initial fleet bootstrap.