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Eric L Carraway ericcarraway

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ericcarraway / index.html
Created April 4, 2023 18:21
Given a list of image URLs, find the most common aspect ratio and the average aspect ratio.
<!-- Given a list of image URLs, find the most common aspect ratio and the average aspect ratio. -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Aspect Ratios</title>
const imageUrls = [
ericcarraway / fcpbundle-cleaner.js
Last active November 29, 2023 16:23
Node.js script to find fcpbundle 'Render Files' folders for deletion
// 1. node fcpbundle-cleaner.js >
// 2. Inspect the resulting `` file.
// 3. Run the `` file.
const { execSync } = require(`node:child_process`);
* Utility to take the output of an `execSync` 'find' command
* and return an array of strings.
ericcarraway / eslint-rules-audit.js
Last active January 4, 2025 20:54
ESLint rules audit
* 2022-08-30
* The result of auditing the rules applied to a file/project.
* $ npx eslint --print-config app.js > results.json
* Massage...
export const rules = {
'@typescript-eslint/array-type': [`error`],

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ericcarraway on github.
  • I am ericcarraway ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCdGvGBZxtX16aYKI_XDAUdy7YMhEjFN1PTlKa8A_HM9Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Advice for New Coding Bootcamp Graduates

My best advice is to build a lot of things. Build portfolio projects. Build simple apps. Build a tool that scratches your own itch and publish it online.

By building things, you'll not only sharpen your skills, but you'll show tentative employers what you can do.

The first job is the hardest to get. Then after that, you'll quickly realize

ericcarraway /
Last active March 9, 2017 14:05
Interview WIP for

Thanks, Eric, for sharing your story with

Thanks for the opportunity, Spencer! I saw last week's interview with Eric Carr and figured I'd reach out. Who's next in the alphabetical order? ;)

What is your background and how long have you been drumming?

It's a pretty typical background for someone in the band world: I was really involved in high school, I did a few years of DCI and WGI, and I majored in music.

The plot twist is that a decade into my career as a high school band director, I decided to become a software developer. I've been coding professionally since 2014.

Eric Carraway