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Last active February 24, 2025 16:12
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Save ericelliott/4152984 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Most configuration really isn't about the app -- it's about where the app runs, what keys it needs to communicate with third party API's, the db password and username, etc... They're just deployment details -- and there are lots of tools to help manage environment variables -- not the least handy being a simple .env file with all your settings. Simply source the appropriate env before you launch the app in the given env (you could make it part of a launch script, for instance).

env files look like this:


To source it:

$ source dev.env  # or staging.env, or production.env, depending on where you're deploying to

Don't check these files into the repo... instead, check in something like dev.example.env, containing some sensible defaults, minus your app secrets, of course. Devs wishing to collaborate should copy the file to the real filename, set the values appropriately, and they're off to the races.

It's easy to add scripts via npm, so you can source the appropriate env file by running commands:

In your package.json:

scripts: {
  "start-dev": "source dev.env; node server.js"
  "start-prod": "source prod.env; node server.js"

Then start it up:

$ npm run start-prod
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alielzei commented Apr 2, 2017

you my friend are a simple genius

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@Alizzen, my thoughts exactly

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I get "source" not found. What is "source"?

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To use a custom script you need the 'run' flag:

npm run start-prod

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thibauds commented May 6, 2019

If you get sh: 1: source: not found this is because your shell does not support source, try using .:
replace source dev.env by . dev.env

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I want to add that if you use webpack, you might want tot install dotenv package. I've found this advice here.

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Beautiful solution to a problem that's been vexing me for quite awhile in my full stack adventures. Thanks a million.

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is it a replacement for something like dotenv?

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Leo3965 commented Jan 31, 2024

Nice explanation

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Where would these .env files be stored? Most definitely not within source control I hope! Environment variables should be stored as secrets and applied by the CI/CD process.

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