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Created March 5, 2011 18:03
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Hooking Ant up with CSSembed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="cssembed" default="build_css">
<!-- dirs -->
<property name="libdir" value="${basedir}/lib" />
<property name="sourcedir" value="${basedir}/source" />
<property name="outputdir" value="${basedir}/build" />
<!-- ant utils -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${libdir}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<!-- macros -->
<macrodef name="cssembed-datauri">
<attribute name="cssfile" />
<attribute name="destdir" />
<attribute name="destfile.suffix" default="datauri" />
<var name="cssembed-destfile" unset="true" />
<pathconvert property="cssembed-destfile">
<path path="@{cssfile}" />
<mapper type="flatten" />
<mapper type="glob" from="*.css" to="*-@{destfile.suffix}.css" />
<java classname="net.nczonline.web.cssembed.CSSEmbed" classpath="${libdir}/cssembed-0.3.3.jar">
<arg line="--charset" />
<arg line="UTF-8" />
<arg line="-o" />
<arg file="@{destdir}${cssembed-destfile}" />
<arg file="@{cssfile}" />
<macrodef name="cssembed-mhtml">
<attribute name="cssfile" />
<attribute name="destdir" />
<attribute name="mhtmlroot" />
<attribute name="destfile.suffix" default="mhtml" />
<var name="cssembed-destfile" unset="true" />
<pathconvert property="cssembed-destfile">
<path path="@{cssfile}" />
<mapper type="flatten" />
<mapper type="glob" from="*.css" to="*-@{destfile.suffix}.css" />
<java classname="net.nczonline.web.cssembed.CSSEmbed" classpath="${libdir}/cssembed-0.3.3.jar">
<arg line="--charset" />
<arg line="UTF-8" />
<arg line="--mhtml" />
<arg line="--mhtmlroot" />
<arg line="@{mhtmlroot}" />
<arg line="-o" />
<arg file="@{destdir}${cssembed-destfile}" />
<arg file="@{cssfile}" />
<macrodef name="cssembed">
<attribute name="cssfile" />
<attribute name="destdir" />
<attribute name="mhtmlroot" />
<cssembed-datauri cssfile="@{cssfile}" destdir="@{destdir}" />
<cssembed-mhtml cssfile="@{cssfile}" destdir="@{destdir}" mhtmlroot="@{mhtmlroot}" />
<!-- targets -->
<target name="build_css">
<for param="cssfile">
<fileset dir="${sourcedir}/css/" includes="*.css" />
<copy file="@{cssfile}" todir="${deployment.dir}/css/" overwrite="true" preservelastmodified="true" />
mhtmlroot="${deployment.url}/css/" />
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