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Created October 30, 2021 17:11
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Mapbox: Edit new source data on the fly
// You can edit source data on the fly but it requires it to have a layer first, as there is no way to directly access GeoJSON
// GeoJson is only exposed via querySourceFeatures, grabbing features from a map's layer
const yourSourceId = 'some-source';
const url = 'some-url';
map.addSource(yourSourceId, {
type: 'geojson',
data: url
map.addLayer({id: 'the-layer', source: yourSourceId, type: '...'});
map.on('sourcedata', editSourceData);
function editSourceData(e) {
if (e.isSourceLoaded && map.querySourceFeatures('the-layer').length > 0) {
const geojson = map.querySourceFeatures('the-layer');
const features = => {
// Do the stuff!!!! Maybe here, reassign properties to the top level =; = "Some new title " +;
return feature;
console.log("New features!", features);
const source = map.getSource(yourSourceId).setData({
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: features
});'sourcedata', checkData); // Make sure to turn it off when done!
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