-- precise word use, past tense, active voice, brevity.
- categories
225 chars
- not fully in details but more detailed than Abstract
- background
- motivation
- importance
- outline (description of the following sections)
- shows things related to the topic
- criticize them showing their bad and good parts
- show how differently is your thinking
- declare all hypothesis and assumptions of the environment where the problem resides
- provide support for assumptions
- try adding a figure
- describe as exact as possible the problem
- start with overview of solution
- good explanation of rationale, concepts and mechanisms
- explain required concepts before into detailed description
- detailed description of solution and functionality
- just description of solution itself
- no debates
- no comparison
- explain each part of the functionality separately
- make smaller, self-contained "components" out of the full functionality
- use imagery, preferable close to the one shown on System model
- Qualitative
- show some properties/desired behavior of the solution
- Quantitative
- show performance of the solution based on some metric
- explain why a specific metric was chosen
- show performance of the solution based on some metric
- depends on budget/time
- do only if really needed
- each figure/graph should be well explained
- at least one paragraph each
- describe what is seen and what should be noticed
- give reason on the result
- are they what they are supposed to be?
- compare performance of solution to other solutions
- test scenarios must be fair for all tests
- elaborate on the impact of the approach
- state limitations or disadvantages of approach
- allows directions for further research
- mention bibliography in the introduction or related work
- ...