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Last active March 7, 2020 21:32
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Generating and testing precompile statements for COSMO + Convex + MOI

Generating and testing precompile statements for COSMO + Convex + MOI

  1. I generated precompile statements via generate_precompiles.jl.
  2. Then I dev'd each of Convex, MOI, and COSMO, and added the precompile statements. (See the SnoopCompile docs).
  3. I removed the ProblemDepot specific precompiles from Convex, and added the SparseArray, Base (but minus the printing ones), and LinearAlgebra (minus isapprox) precompiles to Convex too
  4. Then I ran test_precompiles.jl, resulting in output.txt
  5. I ran it a second time, and saved the file as output2.txt.



# Now `dev` Convex, MOI, and COSMO, and add the precompile statements as above


Effect on "first-solve" time

See output.txt and output2.txt for two runs of the timing test (which just solves one problem via readme_test). It seems just adding precompile statements to COSMO reduces the first-solve time by 15-25 seconds. Adding precompile statements to MOI and Convex reduces it by another 4-8 seconds.

Effect on precompilation time

Adding precompile statements will naturally increase precompilation time.

With the precompile statements, I get the following timings:

ephwork:COSMO eh540$ julia --project=.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.3.1 (2019-12-30)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> @time using COSMO
[ Info: Precompiling COSMO [1e616198-aa4e-51ec-90a2-23f7fbd31d8d]
 46.775588 seconds (18.79 M allocations: 1.028 GiB, 0.63% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.520894 seconds (1.04 M allocations: 49.060 MiB, 2.87% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.000238 seconds (359 allocations: 19.828 KiB)

ephwork:COSMO eh540$ julia --project=.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.3.1 (2019-12-30)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> @time using COSMO
 11.267857 seconds (17.62 M allocations: 995.843 MiB, 2.89% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.744716 seconds (1.04 M allocations: 49.060 MiB, 2.06% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.000240 seconds (359 allocations: 19.828 KiB)

Without precompile statements, I get the following times:

ephwork:COSMO eh540$ julia --project=.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.3.1 (2019-12-30)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> @time using COSMO
[ Info: Precompiling COSMO [1e616198-aa4e-51ec-90a2-23f7fbd31d8d]
 21.610615 seconds (17.64 M allocations: 971.520 MiB, 0.84% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.537329 seconds (1.04 M allocations: 49.061 MiB, 2.90% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.000260 seconds (359 allocations: 19.828 KiB)

ephwork:COSMO eh540$ julia --project=.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.3.1 (2019-12-30)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> @time using COSMO
  8.708156 seconds (16.46 M allocations: 914.094 MiB, 1.77% gc time)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.503618 seconds (1.04 M allocations: 49.061 MiB)

julia> @time using COSMO
  0.000420 seconds (359 allocations: 19.828 KiB)
using Convex, COSMO
# Generate random problem data
m = 4; n = 5
A = randn(m, n); b = randn(m, 1)
# Create a (column vector) variable of size n x 1.
x = Variable(n)
# The problem is to minimize ||Ax - b||^2 subject to x >= 0
# This can be done by: minimize(objective, constraints)
problem = minimize(sumsquares(A * x - b), [x >= 0])
# Solve the problem by calling solve!
@time solve!(problem, COSMO.Optimizer(verbose=false))
# Check the status of the problem
problem.status # :Optimal, :Infeasible, :Unbounded etc.
# Get the optimal value
using SnoopCompile
inf_timing = @snoopi tmin=0.01 include("precompile_script.jl")
pc = SnoopCompile.parcel(inf_timing)
SnoopCompile.write("precompiles", pc)
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("add Convex", "add COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
80.454257 seconds (113.68 M allocations: 5.571 GiB, 5.17% gc time)
("develop Convex", "add COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
61.071458 seconds (107.14 M allocations: 5.260 GiB, 5.18% gc time)
("add Convex", "develop COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
54.125889 seconds (92.13 M allocations: 4.549 GiB, 4.80% gc time)
("develop Convex", "develop COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
51.917905 seconds (85.67 M allocations: 4.240 GiB, 5.48% gc time)
("add Convex", "add COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
77.087202 seconds (112.14 M allocations: 5.492 GiB, 4.71% gc time)
("develop Convex", "add COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
66.320530 seconds (105.68 M allocations: 5.180 GiB, 5.18% gc time)
("add Convex", "develop COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
63.775371 seconds (90.57 M allocations: 4.468 GiB, 4.55% gc time)
("develop Convex", "develop COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
47.120227 seconds (84.28 M allocations: 4.164 GiB, 5.22% gc time)
("add Convex", "add COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
65.151737 seconds (113.55 M allocations: 5.566 GiB, 4.65% gc time)
("develop Convex", "add COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
60.208842 seconds (107.16 M allocations: 5.257 GiB, 5.01% gc time)
("add Convex", "develop COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
50.760969 seconds (92.08 M allocations: 4.547 GiB, 5.22% gc time)
("develop Convex", "develop COSMO", "add MathOptInterface")
49.766633 seconds (85.63 M allocations: 4.237 GiB, 5.49% gc time)
("add Convex", "add COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
64.258489 seconds (112.16 M allocations: 5.490 GiB, 4.64% gc time)
("develop Convex", "add COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
61.297292 seconds (105.73 M allocations: 5.183 GiB, 5.89% gc time)
("add Convex", "develop COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
57.630073 seconds (90.68 M allocations: 4.474 GiB, 5.17% gc time)
("develop Convex", "develop COSMO", "develop MathOptInterface")
46.187760 seconds (84.28 M allocations: 4.164 GiB, 5.30% gc time)
using Convex, COSMO
# copied from ConvexTests.jl
Convex.ProblemDepot.run_tests(;exclude=[r"dual", r"mip"]) do p
solve!(p, COSMO.Optimizer(verbose = false, decompose = false, max_iter = 40000, eps_abs = 5e-7, eps_rel = 5e-7))
COSMO = "1e616198-aa4e-51ec-90a2-23f7fbd31d8d"
Convex = "f65535da-76fb-5f13-bab9-19810c17039a"
MathOptInterface = "b8f27783-ece8-5eb3-8dc8-9495eed66fee"
SnoopCompile = "aa65fe97-06da-5843-b5b1-d5d13cad87d2"
using Pkg, Logging
_julia_cmd() = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --color=yes --startup-file=no` # taken from @tkf's Run.jl
pkgs = ("Convex", "COSMO", "MathOptInterface")
script = abspath("readme_test.jl")
function run_timings(pkgs, script)
fs = (Pkg.add, Pkg.develop)
combinations = Iterators.product(Iterators.repeated(fs, length(pkgs))...) |> collect |> vec
results = []
for c in combinations
mktempdir() do dir
with_logger(NullLogger()) do # suppress logs
mktemp() do path, io # temp file to send Pkg output
redirect_stdout(io) do
for (i, f) in enumerate(c)
f(pkgs[i]) # dev or add the package
io = IOBuffer()
run(pipeline(`$(_julia_cmd()) --project=$(dir) $script`; stdout = io))
setup = string.(c) .* " " .* pkgs
result = String(take!(io))
push!(results, (setup, result))
return results
results = run_timings(pkgs, script)
open("output.txt", "w") do io
foreach( r -> println.((io,), r), results)
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