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Created March 24, 2020 04:20
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Flow field in rust
// Cargo.toml
// ===============
// [package]
// name = "flow-field-1"
// version = "0.1.0"
// authors = ["ericyd <[email protected]>"]
// [dependencies]
// nannou = "0.13"
// rustfmt.toml
// ===============
// tab_spaces = 2
// Notes
// ===============
// - ALWAYS run with `cargo run --release`
// - huge thanks to this resource:
extern crate nannou;
use nannou::color::*;
use nannou::noise::{NoiseFn, Perlin};
use nannou::prelude::*;
fn main() {
fn view(app: &App, frame: Frame) {
// t is really cool as a third param to perlin.get if you want animation
let _t = app.duration.since_start.secs() as f64;
let win = app.window_rect();
let pi2 = PI * 2.0;
app.set_loop_mode(LoopMode::NTimes {
// two frames are necessary for capture_frame to work properly
number_of_updates: 2,
// number of vertices in each polyline
let num_steps = 50;
// distance between each vertex in polyline
let default_length = 1.0;
// higher is less noisy ("longer wavelength")
let noise_scale = 50.0;
// number of points in our "grid" of starting points
let resolution = 75;
// noise generator
let perlin = Perlin::new();
// Prepare to draw.
let draw = app.draw();
// Clear the background to black.
for i in 0..resolution {
let x_factor = i as f32 / resolution as f32;
for j in 0..resolution {
let y_factor = j as f32 / resolution as f32;
// slightly randomize starting position
let mut current_x = win.x.lerp(x_factor) as f64 + (random_f64() * 7.0) - 3.5;
let mut current_y = win.y.lerp(y_factor) as f64 + (random_f64() * 7.0) - 3.5;
let mut points = Vec::new();
let radius = (current_x.powi(2) + current_y.powi(2)).sqrt();
let color = Hsl::new(
RgbHue::from_radians(radius as f32 / win.w() * pi2),
let line_weight = 4.0 - (radius as f32 / win.w() * 6.0);
points.push((pt2(current_x as f32, current_y as f32), color));
for _n in 0..num_steps {
let radius = (current_x.powi(2) + current_y.powi(2)).sqrt();
// theta is the angle from the center to the point
// Since win.y() is a range from negative to positive, theta must be inverted when y is negative
let theta = match current_y < 0.0 {
true => (current_x / radius).acos() * -1.0,
false => (current_x / radius).acos(),
// noisy weighted gradient pointing away from center
let angle =
(perlin.get([current_x / noise_scale, current_y / noise_scale]) + 2.0 * theta) / 2.0;
let new_x = angle.cos() * default_length + current_x;
let new_y = angle.sin() * default_length + current_y;
let color = Hsl::new(
RgbHue::from_radians(radius as f32 / win.w() * pi2),
points.push((pt2(new_x as f32, new_y as f32), color));
current_x = new_x;
current_y = new_y;
// Write to the window frame.
draw.to_frame(app, &frame).unwrap();
// credit:
let file_path = captured_frame_path(app, &frame);
fn captured_frame_path(app: &App, frame: &Frame) -> std::path::PathBuf {
// Create a path that we want to save this frame to.
.expect("failed to locate `project_path`")
// Capture all frames to a directory called `/<path_to_nannou>/nannou/simple_capture`.
// Name each file after the number of the frame.
.join(format!("{:03}", frame.nth()))
// The extension will be PNG. We also support tiff, bmp, gif, jpeg, webp and some others.
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