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require 'spec_helper'
describe GamesController do
describe 'POST "create"' do
subject(:response) { post :create, params }
context 'valid parameters provided' do
let(:params) { { game: FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:game) } }
specify { expect { subject }.to change(Game, :count).by 1 }
# This fails - assigns(:game) is nil so the route comes out like /games//score
it { should redirect_to score_game_path(assigns(:game)) }
# This passes - subject evaluated first?
it { subject.should redirect_to score_game_path(assigns(:game)) }
# This passes - named subject gets evaluated first too
it 'redirects to the newly created game' do
response.should redirect_to score_game_path(assigns(:game))
it { should set_flash :notice }
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