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Created December 22, 2019 14:24
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import Foundation
struct Position: Hashable {
let x: Int
let y: Int
var adjacent: [Position] {
return [Position(x: x-1, y: y),
Position(x: x+1, y: y),
Position(x: x, y: y-1),
Position(x: x, y: y+1)]
enum Space: CustomStringConvertible {
case wall
case open
case key(Character)
case door(Character)
case start
init(_ s: Character) {
switch s {
case "#": self = .wall
case ".": self = .open
case "@": self = .start
case let a: self = a.isLowercase ? .key(a) : .door(a)
var description: String {
switch self {
case .wall: return "#"
case .start: return "@"
case .open: return "."
case .key(let s): return String(s)
case .door(let s): return String(s)
typealias Graph = [Character:[Character:Int]]
struct State {
let graph: Graph
let collected: [Character]
let distanceTravelled: Int
let paths: [[Character:Int]] // One for each robot
var collectedInOrder: String {
guard let l = collected.last else { return "" }
return String(collected.dropLast().sorted() + [l])
var collectedKeys: [Character] { return collected.filter({ $0.isLowercase }) }
init(string s: String) {
let rows = s.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
let height = rows.count
let width = rows.reduce(0, { max($0, $1.count) })
var g ={ (s: String) -> [Space] in
var a = Array<Space>(repeating: .open, count: width)
for i in s.enumerated() {
a[i.offset] = Space(i.element)
return a
var start = [Position]()
var nodes = [Character:Position]()
for r in 0..<height { for c in 0..<width {
switch g[r][c] {
case .open, .wall: break
case .start: start.append(Position(x: c, y: r))
case .door(let a), .key(let a): nodes[a] = Position(x: c, y: r)
} }
func distanceBetween(p1: Position, p2: Position) -> Int? {
// BFS search in grid "g" from p1 to p2.
// Stop at both keys and doors.
var steps = 0
var leafStates = [p1]
var oldStates = [Position]()
while true {
steps = steps + 1
var additionalStates = [Position]()
for leaf in leafStates {
for move in leaf.adjacent {
if move == p2 { return steps }
switch g[move.y][move.x] {
case .wall, .door, .key: continue
case .open, .start: break
if oldStates.contains(move) { continue }
oldStates = leafStates
leafStates = additionalStates
if additionalStates.count == 0 {
return nil
var out = Graph()
for n in nodes {
var distances = [Character:Int]()
for m in nodes {
if m == n { continue }
if let d = distanceBetween(p1: n.value, p2: m.value) {
distances[m.key] = d
out[n.key] = distances
self.paths = { (position: Position) -> [Character:Int] in
let distances: [(Character, Int)] = nodes.compactMap({
if let d = distanceBetween(p1: position, p2: $0.value) {
return ($0.key, d)
} else {
return nil
return [Character:Int](uniqueKeysWithValues: distances)
self.distanceTravelled = 0
self.graph = out
self.collected = []
init(oldState: State, visiting: Character, distance fromLastToVisited: Int, robot: Int) {
self.distanceTravelled = fromLastToVisited + oldState.distanceTravelled
self.collected = oldState.collected + [visiting]
// Get a list of nodes connected to visiting, and their distance.
var distanceToVisiting = [Character:Int]()
for node in oldState.graph {
if let distance = node.value[visiting] {
distanceToVisiting[node.key] = distance
var graph = Graph()
for nodeIterator in oldState.graph {
let (node, connections) = nodeIterator
if node == visiting { continue }
if connections[visiting] == nil {
// Untouched by removing visiting
graph[node] = connections
// This node is connected to visiting.
var d = connections
// The distance to the visited node should be removed.
guard let m = d.removeValue(forKey: visiting) else {
fatalError("Not connected to visiting?")
for v in distanceToVisiting {
let (otherNode, distanceFromOtherNodeToVisiting) = v
if otherNode == node { continue }
if let oldDistance = d[otherNode], oldDistance > distanceFromOtherNodeToVisiting + m {
d[otherNode] = distanceFromOtherNodeToVisiting + m
if d[otherNode] == nil {
d[otherNode] = distanceFromOtherNodeToVisiting + m
graph[node] = d
var paths = oldState.paths
paths[robot] = oldState.graph[visiting]!
self.paths = paths
self.graph = graph
var possibleNewStates: [State] {
var s = [State]()
for p in self.paths.enumerated() {
let availableStatesFromThisRobot: [State] = p.element.filter({ $0.key.isLowercase || collected.contains(Character($0.key.lowercased())) }).map({ State(oldState: self, visiting: $0.key, distance: $0.value, robot: p.offset) })
s.append(contentsOf: availableStatesFromThisRobot)
return s
let path = CommandLine.arguments[1]
let input = try! String(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
let initial = State(string: input)
let numberOfKeysToCollect = initial.graph.keys.filter({ $0.isLowercase }).count
// Start with a DFS and always choose the shortest leaf, to get a
// maximum upper bound on the length
func depthFirstSearch(from state: State) -> Int? {
guard let available = state.possibleNewStates.sorted(by: { $0.distanceTravelled < $1.distanceTravelled }).first else { return nil }
if available.collectedKeys.count == numberOfKeysToCollect {
return available.distanceTravelled
return depthFirstSearch(from: available)
var totalLength = depthFirstSearch(from: initial) ?? Int.max
print("Upper bound on number of steps: \(totalLength)")
// Then do a BFS,
var leafStates = initial.possibleNewStates
while leafStates.count > 0 {
var newLeafStates = [State]()
for leaf in leafStates {
let p = leaf.possibleNewStates.filter({ $0.distanceTravelled < totalLength })
newLeafStates.append(contentsOf: p)
// Important: purge equal states - being at the same node n and having the same 0..(n-1) nodes
// but in different order. Keep the shorest equivalent state.
var shortestPaths = [String:State]()
for leaf in newLeafStates {
let s = leaf.collectedInOrder
if let j = shortestPaths[s], j.distanceTravelled < leaf.distanceTravelled {} else {
shortestPaths[s] = leaf
leafStates = [State](shortestPaths.values)
let lengthOfCompletedNewStates = leafStates.filter({ $0.collectedKeys.count == numberOfKeysToCollect }).map({ $0.distanceTravelled})
totalLength = min(totalLength, lengthOfCompletedNewStates.min() ?? Int.max)
print("Number of steps to collect all keys: \(totalLength)")
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