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Created December 4, 2020 15:05
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use crate::common::Solution;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
type PassportInformation<'a> = BTreeMap<&'a str,&'a str>;
pub fn solve(lines: &[String]) -> Solution {
let s = lines.join("\n");
let passports: Vec<PassportInformation> = s.split("\n\n")
.map(|pwd_fields| pwd_fields
.map(|s: &str| -> (&str, &str) {
let i = s.find(':').unwrap();
(&s[..i], &s[(i+1)..])
let required_fields = ["hcl","ecl","iyr","byr","pid","hgt","eyr"];
let passports_with_all_required_fields: Vec<PassportInformation> = passports.into_iter()
.filter(|pwd| required_fields.iter().all(|c| pwd.contains_key(c)))
let number_of_valid_passports = passports_with_all_required_fields.iter()
.filter(|passport_info| {
let h_spec = passport_info["hgt"];
let mut hcl = passport_info["hcl"].bytes();
passport_info["hcl"].len() == 7 && == Some(b'#') &&
hcl.all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit()) &&
matches!(passport_info["byr"].parse::<i64>(), Ok(b) if 1920 <= b && b <= 2002) &&
matches!(passport_info["iyr"].parse::<i64>(), Ok(i) if 2010 <= i && i <= 2020) &&
matches!(passport_info["eyr"].parse::<i64>(), Ok(e) if 2020 <= e && e <= 2030) &&
passport_info["pid"].len() == 9 &&
passport_info["pid"].bytes().all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()) &&
["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"].contains(&passport_info["ecl"]) &&
((h_spec.ends_with("in") &&
matches!(h_spec[0..(h_spec.len()-2)].parse::<u32>(), Ok(h) if h >= 59 && h <= 76)) ||
(h_spec.ends_with("cm") &&
matches!(h_spec[0..(h_spec.len()-2)].parse::<u32>(), Ok(h) if h >= 150 && h <= 193)))
Solution {
part_1: passports_with_all_required_fields.len().to_string(),
part_2: number_of_valid_passports.to_string()
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