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Created January 24, 2018 06:42
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Chained FSM
module stage(clock, reset, in, out);
input wire clock;
input wire reset;
input wire in;
output reg out;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
out <= 1;
end else begin
out <= !in;
module stage_test;
reg in = 1;
wire between;
wire out;
reg reset;
reg clock = 2;
always #6 clock = !clock;
stage stage2(clock, reset, in, between);
stage stage3(clock, reset, between, out);
initial begin
# 11 reset = 1;
# 11 reset = 0;
# 1 in = 1;
# 11 in = 0;
# 11 in = 1;
# 101 $stop;
$monitor("At time %t, reset=%d clock=%d in=%d between=%d out=%d", $time, reset, clock, in, between, out);
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Good job :)

You can of course which that more tersely in modern Verilog:

module stage(
  input clock,
  input reset
  input in;
  output reg out);
  always @(posedge clock) out <= reset ? 1'd 1 : !in;

Note explicit sizing the constant isn't strictly required, but tools will yell at you about assigning a 32-bit value to a 1-bit register otherwise.

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