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Created February 13, 2023 08:28
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Code Roommates (ChatGPT)


Write a sit-com pilot where a React developer, a Vue developer, and a Svelte developer live together in tiny Parisian apartment.


Title: Code Roommates

Scene: A tiny Parisian apartment with three developers - Pierre (React), Jacques (Vue), and Marcel (Svelte) - sharing the space. They are all sitting on the couch, surrounded by computers and other tech gear.

Jacques: (frustrated) I can’t believe the project deadline is in two days and I’m still struggling with this Vue code.

Pierre: (smiling) That’s what you get for using a framework that’s too complicated. Just use React like me and everything will be fine.

Marcel: (skeptical) I don’t think so. React may be popular, but it’s slow and bloated. Svelte is the future.

Jacques: (laughing) The future? Svelte is just a passing trend.

Pierre: (defensive) Hey! React has been around for years and it’s proven to be reliable.

Marcel: (smiling) And that’s exactly why it’s slow. Svelte is fast and efficient.

Jacques: (mockingly) Oh sure, because everyone loves a slow website.

The doorbell rings, and the trio jumps up from the couch to answer the door.

Pierre: (excited) That must be our fourth roommate!

Jacques: (surprised) Fourth roommate?

Marcel: (uninterested) Yeah, I heard about it.

They open the door to reveal a new roommate, an Angular developer named Francois.

Francois: (excited) Bonjour! I’m Francois, the new roommate.

Jacques: (welcoming) Welcome Francois!

Marcel: (coldly) We’re developers.

Pierre: (smiling) And we all use different frameworks.

Francois: (confused) Different frameworks?

The trio nods, and Francois’s expression turns to one of shock.

Francois: (stunned) You mean, we’re going to be living together, working on different projects, using different frameworks?

The trio nods, and Francois starts to laugh.

Francois: (laughing) This is going to be one interesting year!

The scene ends with the four developers sitting back on the couch, laughing and discussing their different approaches to coding.

End of Episode 1.

In this pilot, the main characters have different opinions and approaches to web development, leading to humorous conflicts and conversations. As they live and work together, they will learn to appreciate each other's skills and the strengths of their respective frameworks, ultimately becoming better developers and better roommates.

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