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Created May 24, 2017 16:14
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Type uWSGI, press enter: good stuff about uWSGI's blocking and restarting behavior
The GILectomy: entertaining low-level twiddling and benchmarks
Snek in the Browser: a novel approach to Python in the browser, with only a few hundred K overhead
Constructive Code Review, if you like to watch me prance around. Polished up a lot since the Mozilla onboarding version.
"When the abyss gazes back" should be great; I have yet to watch it
Modern Python Dictionaries is full of clever ideas
Static Types for Python goes over a little of how type inference works
The Fastest Fizzbuzz is a walkthrough of writing a JITing compiler based on PyPy infra
The Dictionary Even Mightier: more dict internals. Brandon Rhodes is always entertaining.
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