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Created February 24, 2022 20:18
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GNU Radio in M1 Macs (with Docker Desktop)

GNU Radio in M1 Macs (with Docker Desktop)

This note describes the steps we took with the SETI Institute summer interns 2021 to install GNU Radio in their M1 Macs (MacBook Air M1 2020 model). We used gnuradio-docker-env as a starting point, which was of invaluable help.

There might be omissions, typos, etc., in this note, so any feedback is welcome. The procedure could also be streamlined a lot by generating known-good images and pushing the to Docker Hub.


XQuartz is needed to run X11 applications in the Docker container. The steps to set it up are:

  1. Install XQuartz
  2. In the XQuartz preferences, go to the "Security" tab and enable "Allow connections from network clients"
  3. Reboot the machine

We found that it was important to reboot the machine for the "Allow connections from network clients" setting to be applied.

On each boot, it is necessary to launch XQuartz and then run

xhost +

in a terminal. This will allow connections from the Docker container to XQuartz. Note: something more involved is recommended in the README for gnuradio-docker-env, which involves using tcpdump to check which IP the X11 packets come from. We found that these always seem to come from localhost, so using seems a good bet, but your luck may vary. To debug, it's possible to use xhost +, which will allow connections from any IP (this is potentially insecure).

Docker Desktop

  1. Install Docker Desktop following the instructions
  2. It is recommended to increase the number of CPUs and RAM available to Docker. This can be done in the preferences of the Docker Desktop GUI. We decided to use 8 CPUs and 6 GB of RAM for the M1 laptops (the machine has a total of 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM).

On each boot, the Docker Desktop application needs to be run. Then it is possible to interact with Docker by using the different docker command in a terminal.

Testing XQuartz + Docker

Use the following to test that Docker is able to run GUI applications that display on the MacOS screen:

docker run -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 gns3/xeyes

This should show up a window with a pair of eyes that follow the mouse. If there are problems, besides the gnuradio-docker-env README, another good resource can be this note.

Ubuntu Docker image for GNU Radio

The gnuradio-docker-env comes with a Dockerfile of an Ubuntu image with the build dependencies of GNU Radio installed. There is also a docker-compose.yml file, as this image is intended to be used with docker-compose. We decided not to use docker-compose, to keep things simpler should problems arise (mainly my fault, since I'm not experienced with docker-compose).

The steps to build the image and launch the container manually are as follow.

  1. Clone the gnuradio-docker-env repo:
git clone
  1. Build the image. Inside the gnuradio-docker-env directory run:
docker build -t gnuradio .

(here gnuradio will only be used to give a name to the image).

  1. Run the image to create a container:
docker run --name gnuradio -it gnuradio

(here gnuradio is just to give a name to the container, and -it are the parameters used to get a terminal session in the container).

Note: when installing this with the interns we didn't give the image or container a name (my fault!). The existing images can be renamed by doing docker tag IMAGE_ID gnuradio (the IMAGE_ID can be seen by running docker images). The existing container can be renamed with docker rename current_name gnuradio (the current name can be seen by running docker container ls -a).

Running the container again

When we exit the container (because we close the terminal, reboot the machine or any other reason), we can run again the existing container (plus all modifications we have made since its creation) with

docker start -i gnuradio

Building and installing GNU Radio

  1. First we install some packages that we will need:
sudo apt install nano swig libczmq
  1. We decided to build GNU Radio 3.8 from source. The basic instructions are here. Installing a more modern version of GNU Radio 3.9 is similar (although SWIG is not required for GNU Radio 3.9 and later).

  2. Clone the GNU Radio repo

git clone
  1. Checkout the 3.8 tag (at this time v3.8.3.1 is the latest release, so that's what we installed)
cd gnuradio
git checkout v3.8.3.1
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Run cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ..
  1. At this point watch out for the output of cmake. In particular, any GNU Radio components that might have been disabled because of unmet dependencies. In fact we had to install swig to have Python support (which includes gnuradio-companion).

  2. Build with

make -j4

It takes perhaps about 30 minutes to build on the 2020 MacBook with -j4. Watch out, since it's possible to get out of RAM while building, which will most likely cause the C compiler to be killed (and the build will stop). With -j8 you're very likely to get out of RAM with only 8 GB, so something around -j4 seems safer.

  1. Install with
make install

(since we're running as root inside the Docker container, it is not necessary to use sudo).

Final configuration

We needed to add a few environment variables to /root/.bashrc. For this, we do

nano /root/.bashrc

and add the following lines at the end of the file:

export DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
export GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=/usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/

After modifying the .bashrc file, the easiest way to apply the settings is to log out of the container with Ctrl+D and log in again with docker start as described above.

Running GNU Radio Companion

If everything went well, at this point we can run


inside the docker container and have a functional GNU Radio companion window on our Mac OS screen.

If something doesn't work well and the X11 + XQuartz is suspect, it's possible to install and run xterm, which prints more debug information than gnuradio-companion.


There are a number of things that can be done to make this Docker setup easier/better to use. We didn't cover any of them, as we were uncertain if we could solve all the issues we found during a 2 hour hands-on session with the interns (but we managed!).

Some of these are:

  1. Turn our container into a docker image using docker commmit. This will allow us to have something that can be shared more easily, and to have a way of regenerating the container if we break something. The image can be shared in Docker hub so that other people can run this much faster (without having to build GNU Radio on their machine).

  2. Set up a bind mount to share some folders between the Mac OS host and the GNU Radio container, and/or set up a volume to store our work (GNU Radio flowgraphs, etc.) in some container-independent and persistent space.

  3. Instead of having the same container lying around, always launch the container from the image using --rm to delete the container when we stop it. This can be seen as a good practice because the state of the container is always repeatable and known in advance. Doing this requires a bind mount or volume so that we can store our work persistently across container destructions and creations.

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