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Last active May 23, 2016 17:27
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Abstract for Code Stock

###Bio Eris is a native Texan, a US Army Veteran, and a mom to two brilliant teenage boys. She found a love of programming while working as a technology recruiter in Nashville. She then decided to turn her hobby into a new career and attended Nashville Software School where she learned full-stack development with Ruby, Rails, Javascript, and Angular. Erin is now working as a Web Application Developer for Reax in Nashville.

###Abstract Software Bootcamp graduates (and other Junior Programmers) are entering the technology market with a brief understanding of CRUD actions and web development in general. After a whirlwind of learning in school, graduates are often left asking: what do I learn next?

My first professional project was to create a microservices app from scratch. Previously, I had made extremely simple apps with only a few models, a couple of controllers, and some basic CRUD actions. Oh, and static web pages. I made plently of those.

This talk covers some of the key technical concepts encountered when first going beyond a basic crud app:

  • State Machines

  • Decorators

  • Database Normalization

This talk will also discuss some of the soft skills that are necessary to participate on a software development team, including:

  • Code Reviews

  • User Stories

  • Pair Programming

Bootcamps are a clear line from civilian to Junior Programmer. Less clear is the line from Junior to Mid-level. Armed with basic CRUD and MVC knowledge, Junior Programmers can begin to dive into other programming concepts. Programmers are also expected to participate in collaborative development on projects that require soft skills in addition to technical skills.

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