- 6 month bootcamp learning front-end + ruby/rails
- I got to rails new a project on my first day!
- Getting users from other sources
- Interactions between students and notetakers
- State Machines
- Session Variables
- Decorators
- Code Reviews
- User stories, tickets, and pivotal tracker
- Pair Programming
- Get on a Schedule
- bootcampers are becoming programmers!!
With the uprising of software schools, we are seeing a lot of new developers entering the technology market. These developers (me being one of them!) have a very limited set of skills and understanding of the web. But we are still very useful and capable of contributing to development teams.
Straight out of bootcamp I got the opportunity to create a microservices app from scratch and learn a lot while doing it! I will cover some of the key technical concepts I learned creating my first professional app, including:
State Machines
Session Variables
I will also talk about some of the soft skills I learned that are necessary to participate on a software development team, including:
Code Reviews
User Stories
Pair Programming
Software bootcamps are springing up all over the place. We need to figure out how to get these people in to the work force and make them into decent contributors. My talk is about my first steps out of bootcamp and becoming a programmer.